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In Memoriam
Krista E. Schuelein

Feb. 2, 2007--Krista E. Schuelein, 18, a University of Delaware freshman from Island Park, N.Y., died Jan. 26.

Ms. Schuelein was born on Aug. 18, 1988, in Manhasset, N.Y. She was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at the age of 8, and was in remission throughout high school.

An outstanding student at the University, she was recalled by several UD faculty and staff.

Sue Clark, assistant dean in the College of Health Sciences, said, "Krista was a student for only one semester in the College of Health Sciences, majoring in nutrition. Although her time at UD was too short, she touched many people with her courage, determination and positive attitude. It would have been very understandable if she missed classes, assignments or projects, but Krista insisted on being treated like all other college freshmen and never asked for special consideration. The one time she had to be hospitalized for a couple of weeks for treatment she made sure that she had her assignments ahead of time and made her own arrangements for the make-up work required. When Krista came into my office, she was displayed a positive attitude and wanted to talk about college, classes and her goals. When we discussed her treatment, she was optimistic and factual; she was willing to talk about it, but it was not the focus of her life. She was able to fulfill her goal of being a college student, even for just a short time. I was privileged to get to know Krista as a University of Delaware student."

Leta Aljadir, associate professor of health, nutrition and exercise sciences, said, "Krista was one of 87 students in my NTDT200 Nutrition Concepts class. It is not easy to know students by face and name in a large class, but Krista stood out in many respects. She was always reserved and attentive, respectful, asked thought-provoking questions, sought clarification of concepts that were not entirely clear or were controversial. She reviewed her exams in my office soon after grades were returned to discuss and learn from the test items she had gotten incorrectly. Her assignments were always impeccably done and on time. There were never any requests for extensions due to illness or other excuses. It was no surprise that Krista received one of the top five grades in the class. In my estimation, she was one who held so much potential for success in nutrition. I consider it a great privilege to have been one of her professors in her short stay at the University."

According to Shannon Lennon-Edwards, an instructor in health, nutrition and exercise sciences, "Krista was a very sweet, hardworking, diligent and responsible student. She seemed very focused on her schoolwork and, despite her illness, completed all of her work on time. I believe Krista would have been an asset to the field of nutrition, and we will feel the loss of losing someone with a bright future. I have no doubt her classmates will miss her dearly."

Ms. Schuelein is survived by her parents, Robert and Joan Schuelein, and two brothers, Derek and Roger, as well as aunts, uncles and cousins.

A funeral mass was held Jan. 29 at St. Anthony's RC Church in Oceanside, N.Y.

Contributions in Ms. Schuelein's memory may be made to Katie's Find-A-Cure Fund, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Department of Pediatrics, Box 139, 1275 York Ave., New York, NY 10021, Attention: Neuroblastoma Research Department.

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