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Exhibition on the art of language is a hit

Artist Nina Katchadourian operates the popcorn machine that is part of her ‘Talking Popcorn’ project.

5:04 p.m., Feb. 23, 2007--Dozens of students attended a lecture by artist Nina Katchadourian on Thursday, Feb. 22, and then visited “InWords: The Art of Language,” a free exhibition on display until March 20 in the University Gallery in Old College.

“It's an interesting subject,” Laura Nejman, a junior fine arts major, said of the exhibition. “Text is usually used in literature, not as art. It's pretty interesting how the artists have changed it from something you read to something you look at as art.”

Nejman said one of the most interesting pieces in the exhibition is the Turquoise and Red painting. “It's not really letters, but round forms. The piece kind of wants you to make your own meaning.”

Jeremy Tan, a senior art major, described the exhibition as “a great body of work.”

“Text is just an everyday thing. To be able to see it displayed in so many different ways is pretty interesting,” Tan said. “You see the ordinary in a different way.”

Laura Nejman, a junior fine arts major, views ‘Turquoise and Red’ by Sue Williams.
One of the post popular exhibits is Katchadourian's Talking Popcorn, a display of words translated from Morse code created by popping corn and capturing the sound with a microphone.

“In my case, you can actually eat the words,” Katchadourian said, as she handed out small bags of fresh popcorn. “It's a terrific show; we don't often connect language and visual art in the way that this show managed to do.”

Curated by guest curator Lance Winn, assistant professor of art at UD, the show challenges ingrained assumptions about communication and pushes the limits of text and words, which will be displayed in a variety of mediums and in a variety of dimensions.

Works included will range from the whimsical to the philosophical as artists use the familiar and concrete forms of letters, words and books to create sculptures, mysteries and jokes.

Other artists featured in the exhibition include Cy Twombly, Jasper Johns, Brice Marden, Erica Baum, Abby Donovan, Nancy Dwyer, Ken Fandell, Carson Fox, Udomsak Krisanamis, Tony Hepburn, Suzanne McClelland, Chris Walla, Holland Williams, Sue Williams and Janet Zweig.

Article by Martin Mbugua
Photos by Duane Perry

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