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University Forum set March 15

5:30 p.m., Feb. 27, 2007--“Building Partnerships, Building Community: The Critical Nature of Academic-Student Affairs Collaboration,” a forum led by guest speaker Larry Roper, vice provost for student affairs and professor of ethnic studies at Oregon State University, is set for noon, Thursday, March 15, in Multipurpose Rooms A and B in the Trabant University Center.

The two-hour forum, which is free and open to the University community, is intended to educate participants on how to build effective partnerships between academic affairs and student affairs colleagues. It is cosponsored by UD's Office of the Provost and the Academic and Student Affairs Council.

Roper, who co-edited the recently published book, Teaching for Change: The Difference, Power and Discrimination Model, is a respected educator and agent of change in higher education and has written widely on creating interdepartmental alliances.

Interested participants should confirm their attendance at the forum by Friday, March 9, by sending an e-mail to [provost-office@udel.edu]. A complimentary buffet lunch will be provided to all who attend.

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