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'Xtreme Delaware Family Makeover' winner named

Before: Freshman Alyssa Moore (right) and family members, who were selected at random as winners of a $350 gift certificate at DelaWorld, before their shopping spree for UD-licensed merchandise at the University Bookstore.

9:39 a.m., Aug. 17, 2006--In the “Xtreme Delaware Family Makeover” contest that began on July 31 and ran for a little more than two weeks, luck landed on Aug. 16 with the family of Alyssa Moore, of Mahwah, N.J., who will be coming to UD as a freshman in the College of Arts and Sciences later this month.

When the more than 5,000 online votes were tallied, results confirmed that the grand prize of a semester's worth of textbooks would go to Moore, who was one of the 16 participants randomly chosen at DelaWorld this summer in a contest sponsored by the University Bookstore.

During each day of DelaWorld 2006, the University Bookstore awarded a randomly chosen visiting family a $350 gift certificate to purchase UD-licensed merchandise at the UD Bookstore. Winners had their photos snapped before heading off to spend their prizes, and hats, visors, T-shirts and shorts flew off the shelves by the dozens.

After: The Moore family and friends make a lifetstyle statement with their UD-licensed merchandise.
Winners then were asked to model their new UD look and submit their runway photos to the “before” and “after” “Xtreme Delaware Family Makeover” contest to win textbooks.

“The contest was great! We enjoyed getting UD merchandise out there to incoming families,” Jennifer Galt, general manager of UD Bookstore, said. “I think everyone, including the Bookstore staff, really enjoyed the pictures that were sent in for the voting.

“DelaWorld is such an exciting time for the new students, families, and the UD campus as a whole. Participation for us is a great way to show our UD pride,” Galt said.

Article by Becca Hutchinson

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