Participants sought for breast cancer online support study

11:09 a.m., April 13, 2007--UD's School of Nursing is seeking participants for a 12-week study designed to learn about the possible health benefits of online cancer support for patients with breast cancer.

Participants sought must be females of at least 21 years of age who have breast cancer, are receiving treatment for breast cancer or have received treatment for breast cancer in the past 36 months. Participants also must have Internet access at home and be able to read and write English.

Participants will be randomly assigned to one of two types of online cancer support for 12 weeks during which they will take part in online discussions with other women who have breast cancer. Participants also will be required to complete a periodic online questionnaire relating to the effects breast cancer has had on their quality of life.

The study is noncompensatory and voluntary, and participants can withdraw without any penalty during the 12-week study. For more information on the study, call (302) 831-8501.