Women’s rowing team competes in Washington
Laura Beaufort of UD’s varsity eights team
7:46 a.m., April 9, 2007--The University of Delaware varsity eights and novice eights crews each won two races and the second varsity eights won once at the George Washington Invitational held during the weekend on the Potomac River in Washington, D.C.

The varsity eights team of coxswain Kenna Plangemann, Laura Beaufort, Lisa Ferrara, Elizabeth Carey, Christina Stanley, Justine Strausser, Melanie Turner, Lisa Medina and Nikki Jackowsky posted wins over Georgetown University on Saturday morning and over West Virginia University on Saturday afternoon.

On Friday, the varsity eights fell to a Clemson University team that entered the week ranked No. 21 in the nation. Clemson's time of 6:17.9 was just under 20 seconds better than Delaware's clocking of 6:37.6.

The novice eights crew of coxswain Avery Griffin, Mary Grace Maggiano, Liz Cretekos, Alexx DeLorme, Jess Brooks, Regine Adrien, Brittany Hayes, Arielle Katz and Kialeen Hay also earned two wins, defeating host George Washington University on Saturday morning and West Virginia on Saturday afternoon following a loss to Clemson on Friday. Clemson's time of 6:48.8 was 13 seconds faster than Delaware's time of 7:01.6.

The second varsity eights team of coxswain Cami Off, Katie Broullire, Lana Rivers, Jenn Boutin, Rachel Thomas, Maria Bellumori, Nicolette Lotrionte, Katie Gooding and Lynn Hamski defeated St. Joseph's University on Saturday afternoon after being defeated by Clemson on Friday and by Clemson and the University of Iowa on Saturday afternoon.