Nominations sought for public service award

2:30 p.m., April 9, 2007--The Ratledge Family Award for Delaware Public Service has been established to recognize the contributions of members of the University of Delaware community to the well-being of all Delawareans.

The award is intended to encourage and recognize significant public service by faculty, staff and students. At least one award of $1,000 will be made each year.

Recipients must be members of the University community--staff, faculty or students--involved in paid or volunteer public service work. Preference will be given to members of the College of Human Services, Education and Public Policy or the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

There is no nomination form. To nominate an individual, send a letter to award committee chairperson Jeffrey A. Raffel, director of the School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy. Include basic biographical information and contact information along with a detailed description of the nominee's public service contribution.

The deadline for nominations is June 4. Nominations received after June 4 will be considered for the following year. The award will be presented in October. For more information, visit the web site at [].