UMS offers podcasts on pet loss, greenways

2:15 p.m., April 5, 2007--Two new podcasts--one about coping with pet loss and the other about creating better greenways--are now available for download from University Media Services web site at [].

The podcast on “Companion Animal Loss,” from the Living with Loss series sponsored by Wellspring and UD's Center for Counseling and Student Development, focuses on healthy strategies for caring and letting go of sick or elderly pets and offers coping tips for dealing with the loss and period of bereavement. Podcast content was created from a March 14 lecture on campus, and two formats--audio and video--are available at a running length of 24 minutes and 14 seconds each. The size of the audio format is 11.1 megabytes and the size of the video format is 64 megabytes.

The podcast on “Sidewalks and Shared Use Paths,” from a March 21 lecture by Robert Searns, an internationally recognized greenways advocate and designer, outlines ways that citizens can make neighborhood and city greenways safer and better through grassroots action and social responsibility. The original presentation was sponsored by the Institute for Public Administration in UD's College of Human Services, Education and Public Policy and was funded by the Delaware Department of Transportation. The format of this podcast is enhanced audio, with a running length of one hour, three minutes and 52 seconds. The download size is 63 megabytes.

To access these podcasts and several others, users can go to [].