Klondike Kate’s kicks off fundraising for cancer relay

11:44 a.m., April 17, 2007--Relay for Life is getting a head start on fundraising at Klondike Kate's all day Thursday, April 19. Relay for Life is an annual overnight event, when the University community and others join together to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and education, while honoring survivors and those who have died of cancer. This year's Relay for Life will be held Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6, in the Field House.

The Main Street restaurant is offering healthy “Relay” menu items for lunch and dinner, with part of the proceeds going to the fund drive. Klondike Kate's also will sell T-shirts and wristbands and “steps to a cure” feet, which when purchased will decorate the premises. In the evening, there will be a DJ and other specials.

Juniors Meghan Herwig and Stephanie Dreher are co-chairing Relay for Life. “We are so grateful to Klondike Kate's and their involvement with Relay for Life,” Herwig said. “Not only will this help us to raise funds before the relay, it will bring about more awareness and interest in the event itself.”

For more information about American Cancer Society events on campus, go to [www.acsevents.org/ud]. To learn about forming or joining a team for Relay for Life, go to [UD-relay@udel.edu].