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In Memoriam
Victor A Giardini

April 13, 2007--Victor Giardini, 54 died on April 7, 2007, at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania from complications following treatment for multiple myeloma.

Mr. Giardini began teaching for the Department of Business Administration in the College of Business and Economics at the University of Delaware in the fall of 1999. In the fall of 2000, he was offered a position of visiting instructor and, as worded in a message from his family, “found an immensely satisfying career.” Mr. Giardini quickly endeared himself to faculty, staff and students and loved teaching and the interaction with both students and colleagues.

Mr. Giardini earned his bachelor's degree from LaSalle University and his master's from Drexel University. Before coming to the University of Delaware, Mr. Giardini was a general management executive with Conrail. He possessed extensive experience both in directing and managing line and staff employees in achieving commercial and operating objectives and in teaching as an adjunct instructor at several institutions.

Mr. Giardini was a devoted husband and father. He is survived by his wife Christine, and two sons, Steven and Mark. Christine is an educator in the Pennsylvania school system. Steven is a recent graduate of the Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management Program at UD and is employed by the University's student-run Vita Nova restaurant. Mark is a current student at the University.

As a way of recognizing Mr. Giardini's contributions to his students and his positive impact on the faculty and staff, efforts are under way to establish the Victor Giardini Scholarship. The fund will serve to perpetuate the memory of Victor Giardini and the ideals and qualities he exemplified, especially the optimistic spirit he shared with his students and colleagues. This fund will support the undergraduate education of outstanding students in UD's Lerner College of Business and Economics who are studying business administration and who show enthusiasm for learning, encouragement toward their fellow students and perseverance.

Those who would like to contribute to this fund in his memory, can send contributiond to Pat McCloskey in 236 Alfred Lerner Hall. Checks should be made payable to the University of Delaware, with a notation on the check or transmitting correspondence that the gift is for the Victor Giardini Scholarship.