Darfur vigil set April 25

3:54 p.m., April 24, 2007--A candlelight vigil for the victims of genocide in the Darfur region of Sudan is set for 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 25, on the steps of Old College.

The event will feature speakers knowledgeable on the Darfur conflict who will offer vigil participants guidance and hope in remembering the lives of those lost in the slaughter. The event will include a performance by UD's D Sharps and will conclude with a human formation of the message, “Save Darfur.”

The free event, sponsored by STAND, UD's Student Anti-Genocide Coalition and the regional chapter of the Save Darfur Coalition, is UD's contribution to the “Global Days for Darfur” programming that will take place across the world during the week of April 23-30.

For more information on this event, which is open to the public, call (516) 551-3111.