Lecture on romantic art work set Thursday

5:17 p.m., April 30, 2007--“The Romantic Art Work” will be the topic of UD's annual Wayne Craven Lecture set for 5:30 p.m., Thursday, May 3, in 006 Willard Hall Education Building.

Given by Alex Potts, the Max Loehr Collegiate Professor and chairperson of the University of Michigan's Department of Art History, the lecture will focus on art and artists from the Romantic period and explore the ideas that shaped the Age of Enlightenment and early Romantic paintings.

Part of UD's “Liminal Vision, Elusive Objects” 2006-07 Department of Art History Lecture Series, the free talk is co-sponsored by UD's Committee on Cultural Activities and Public Events and the Museum Studies Department. After the lecture, free and open to the public, there will be an informal question-and-answer session.

For more information, call (302) 831-4523.