PTTP to stage 3 plays in repertory April 11-May 5

3:05 p.m., April 2, 2007--UD's Professional Theatre Training Program (PTTP) is staging three plays in rotating repertory from April 11-May 5. Tennessee William's A Streetcar Named Desire will preview at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, in the Thompson Theatre of the Center for the Arts (CFA); Moliere's Tartuffe will open at 7:30 p.m., Friday, April 13, in Hartshorn Hall Theatre; and William Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew will preview at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, April 19, in CFA's Thompson Theatre.

A Streetcar Named Desire is a disquieting yet engrossing classic set in sultry New Orleans. When fragile, fading beauty Blanche comes to stay with her sister, Stella, and Stella's hard-drinking, hard-living husband Stanley, the worlds of invented gentility and savage reality burst into a raging fire of brutal sexuality in Tennessee William's Pulitzer Prize-winning theatrical masterpiece. For a complete list of show times, visit [].

In Tartuffe, Moliere's highly controversial and classic caveat of religious hypocrisy opens with an apparently devout and pious stranger, going by the name of Tartuffe, worming his way into the wealthy home of Orgon. While other family members see the interloper for the con man he is, Orgon becomes so enamored with this false saint that he plans to force his daughter to marry the man and disinherit his son in order to make Tartuffe the sole heir to his fortune. For a complete list of show times, visit [].

In Taming of the Shrew, a girl can't marry until her spirited and verbally castigating sister is married off. A fortune-hunting bachelor is enticed into the scenario, and then all hell breaks loose. Shakespeare's original battle of the sexes reaches a riotous, fevered pitch when this newlywed husband and wife romp and wrestle for the martial upper hand--a hand that, in the end, surprises and delights them both. For a complete list of show times, visit [].

Single tickets range from $8-$18. For more information on show times and to order tickets, visit [], call (302) 831-2204, e-mail [] or stop by the Hartshorn Hall box office.