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Student nurses provide blood-pressure screenings

Nursing student Taryn Crowley (right foreground) checks the blood pressure of Donna Bowman, Occupational Health and Safety.
11:42 a.m., Oct. 26, 2004--The latest in a series of free blood-pressure screenings for UD faculty and staff, offered jointly by UD’s Employee Wellness Center and the Department of Nursing, was held Monday, Oct. 25, in the General Services Building.

Sophomore nursing students are conducting the screenings under the supervision of Wellness Center staff, with a dual goal of improving employees' health and giving prospective nurses experience in both administering the test and educating clients about the results. About 20 of the hour-long screening sessions have been scheduled at various locations on campus this semester.

"This is a win-win situation, in that we can simultaneously provide the service to employees and allow the nursing students to receive valuable hands-on experience," Marianne Carter, director of the Wellness Center, said.

By the end of the semester, 124 sophomore nursing majors will have participated in at least one screening, according to Judy Herrman, instructor in nursing. "The students have really stepped up to the plate with this one and are doing a great job," she said.

Carter said all employees whose screening shows an elevated blood pressure will receive targeted invitations to a Dec. 2 lecture, "Don't Pressure Your Luck," on the subject. That program, to be held from noon-1 p.m. in 114 Spencer Lab, will be open to all employees.

Article by Ann Manser
Photo by Kathy Atkinson

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