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UD joins in Connected Degree Day event

Mascots joining YoUDee (left) at the event included Roady the Roadrunner (right) from the Delaware Tech Owens Campus, the Delaware State University Hornet (center front) and the Wilmington College Wildcat (center back).
2:36 p.m., March 2, 2004--The University Advisement Center and Professional and Continuing Studies teamed up with amiable mascot YoUDee to represent the University of Delaware at the first-ever Connected Degree Day in Georgetown.

Joining UD at the event, held Feb. 18, in the Student Services Building at the Owens Campus of the Delaware Technical and Community College, were representatives from Del Tech, Delaware State University and Wilmington College.

The event promoted connected degree agreements among the four schools at the William A. Carter Partnership Center in Georgetown.

Helping YoUDee spread the word about the many educational opportunities available at UD were Mary C. Miller, senior counselor in Professional and Continuing Studies in Georgetown, and Marcia Watson-Whitmyre, assistant dean in the UD Advisement Center. Watson-Whitmyre also serves as UD liaison in connected degree negotiations and coordinates advisement for students who transition to the Newark campus to complete their degrees.

“Connected degrees also are known as program-to-program transfer articulations,” Watson-Whitmyre said. “They provide a pathway for students who earn two-year degrees at community colleges, [in this case Delaware Tech], to continue toward a bachelor’s degree at UD.”

Watson-Whitmyre said that the connected degree agreement guarantees transferability of their community college coursework and allows the community college credits to count toward a bachelor’s degree at UD.

The University currently has connected degrees with Delaware Tech in eight majors, including, criminal justice, early childhood education, electrical engineering, hotel, restaurant and institutional management, human services, mathematics education, medical technology and nursing. Watson-Whitmyre said the program is expected to grow, as negotiations are in progress for offering undergraduate degrees in biology/biotechnology, chemistry and computer science.

Mascots joining YoUDee at the event included Roady the Roadrunner from the Delaware Tech Owens Campus, the Delaware State University Hornet and the Wilmington College Wildcat. The mascots paraded through the Delaware Tech campus, encouraging students to attend the connected degree-day events.

“This was the first-ever event designed especially to promote our connected degrees with Delaware Tech, and it attracted a large and lively audience of current Delaware Tech and University Parallel Program students, faculty and staff,” Watson-Whitmyre said. “We anticipate that the event will be continued annually, as part of an overall campaign to bring the connected degree programs to the notice of potential students. Our involvement is part of UD’s commitment to increase higher educational opportunities for Delaware residents.”

Article by Jerry Rhodes
Photo by Bob Bowden

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