
Volume 12, Number 2, 2003

Connections to the Colleges

Sea Grant Outreach

Sea Grant has an ocean of information to share with you! Our outreach team--the Marine Advisory Service (MAS) and the Marine Public Education Office--work together to relay research-based information on a variety of topics.

From UD's Lewes campus, the MAS travels the state to assist Delawareans with issues in aquaculture, fisheries, coastal processes and hazards, marine education, marine transportation, tourism, seafood technology and water quality.

The Marine Public Education Office, based at UD's Newark campus, translates complex scientific information and presents it in award-winning publications, "SeaTalk" radio announcements, online expeditions and web sites.

This page highlights just a few of our outreach activities. For more information, visit Sea Grant on the web at [www.ocean.udel.edu] or contact the MAS at (302) 645-4346 or the Marine Public Education Office at
(302) 831-8083.