A decade of honors These listings reflect an individual's title at the time of recognition. Excellence-in-Teaching Award recipients From funds made available by the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation and the University Alumni Association, these annual awards honor faculty members for excellence in teaching, based on thoughtful evaluations written by students. 1990 Raymond A. Callahan, history; David R. Frey, plant and soil sciences; Dene G. Klinzing, individual and family studies; Georgia B. Pyrros, mathematical sciences 1991 Gordon J. DiRenzo, sociology; Paul J. Sestak, textiles, design and consumer economics; Robert J. Taggart, educational studies; Robert Warren, urban affairs and public policy 1992 Gabriella Finizio, foreign languages and literatures; Kenneth C. Haas, criminal justice; Bernard L. Herman, urban affairs and public policy; Kevin J. Kerrane, English 1993 Jan Blits, educational studies; M. Sandra Carberry, computer and information sciences; James J. Magee, political science and international relations, Elaine B. Safer, English 1994 Brian P. Ackerman, psychology; Errol L. Lloyd, computer and information sciences; Ajay K. Manrai, business administration; Andrew L. Zydney, chemical engineering 1995 Alan Fox, philosophy; Robert Hampel, educational development; Christine Kydd, business administration; Gary May, history 1996 Deborah Allen, biological sciences; Ardeshir Faghri, civil engineering; W. Gary Smith, plant and soil sciences; Ulrich C. Toensmeyer, food and resource economics 1997 John Bergman, mathematical sciences; Karen Edwards, physical education; William Harris, economics; Kathleen McCoy, computer and information sciences 1998 Dewey Caron, entomology and applied ecology; Ivo Dominguez, foreign languages and literatures; Bethany Hall-Long, nursing; Ajay Prasad, mechanical engineering 1999 Kenneth J. Campbell, political science and international relations; Eileen Grycky, music; Jeffrey Jordan, philosophy; Michael Gamel-McCormick, individual and family studies 2000 Robert C. Hodson, biological sciences; Charles R. Link, economics; Mary Miele, medical technology; Adarshpal S. Sethi, computer and information sciences 2001 Eric Jacobson, urban affairs and public policy; Michael Johnson, art; Lori Pollock, computer and information sciences; Georgia B. Pyrros, mathematical sciences
Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Academic Advising recipients This annual award emphasizes the importance of excellent academic advising, to recognize and reward excellent faculty advisers, and demonstrates that academic advising is a valued part of education at the University. 1990 Madeline Lambrecht, nursing; Paul J. Sestak, interior design; Robert J. Taggart, educational studies 1991 Kenneth Haas, criminal justice; Karen Schaeffer, textiles, design and consumer economics 1992 Joseph Pika, political science and international relations; Georgia B. Pyrros, mathematical sciences 1994 Pam Beeman, nursing; Roland Roth, entomology and applied ecology 1995 Ardeshir Faghri, civil engineering; James Glancey, agricultural engineering 1996 William Harris, economics 1997 Anna Ciulla, medical technology; Palaniappa Krishnan, bioresources engineering; Jeanne Victoria Orner, chemistry and biochemistry 1998 Kenneth Ackerman, anthropology; Sue Davis, political science and international relations; Kathleen Duke, University Honors Program 1999 Lawrence Duggan, history; Susan Groh, chemistry and biochemistry; Kevin Kerrane, English; Dean Shippy, food and resource economics 2000 Daniel F. Callahan, history; Ulrich C. Toensmeyer, food and resource economics; Julie M. Wilgen, individual and family studies; Terry M. Whittaker, business and economics 2001 Carol Denson, consumer studies; Kathleen McCoy, computer and information sciences
Francis Alison Award recipients
Each year, a distinguished UD faculty member is chosen to receive the Francis Alison Award, in recognition of outstanding academic contributions to the University and to their profession. 1990 T.W. Fraser Russell, Allan P. Colburn Professor of Chemical Engineering 1991 John R. Mather, professor of geography 1992 Burnaby Munson, professor of chemistry and biochemistry 1993 Stanley I. Sandler, Henry Belin du Pont Professor of Chemical Engineering 1994 John K. Rosenberger, professor of animal and food sciences 1995 Frank Scarpitti, Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice 1996 Donald L. Sparks, Distinguished Professor of Soil Science 1997 Donald L. Peters, Amy Rextrew Professor of Individual and Family Studies 1998 Carol Hoffecker, Richards Professor of History 1999 John S. Boyer, E.I. du Pont Professor of Marine Biochemistry/Biophysics 2000 George Hsiao, professor of mathematical sciences, 2000 Honorary degree recipients The University's highest honor, first awarded in 1841, is given to individuals whose contributions to the quality of life in the state and nation call for exceptional recognition. Recipients have included artist Andrew Wyeth and former President George Bush. 1990 Sandra Day O'Connor, U.S. Supreme Court Justice 1991 J. Bruce Bredin, long-time UD trustee and board chairman from 1982-88 Edward G. Jefferson, former chairman and chief executive officer of Du Pont Walter E. Massey, director of the National Science Foundation S. Samuel Arsht, retired Wilmington attorney and benefactor 1992 John E. Burris, Delaware business leader and long-time UD trustee J. Allen Frear Jr., U.S. senator from Delaware from 1949-61 1993 Anna Janney DeArmond, professor emeritus of English at UD Ken Burns, documentary filmmaker and creator of the acclaimed PBS documentary The Civil War Howard E. Simmons, retired vice president and senior science adviser at DuPont 1994 Jane Richards Roth, judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit Hanna Holborn Gray, former president of the University of Chicago 1996 John H. Gibbons, science adviser to President Bill Clinton and director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy 1997 Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions and advocate for youth and families 1998 Walter K. Stapleton, U.S. District Court Judge 1999 Edmund N. Carpenter II, former president of the Delaware Bar Association and the American Judicature Society Louis J. Freeh, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1999 James H. Gilliam Sr., past president of the National Association of Nonproft Housing Organizations John Clifton Bogle, chairman of the board of the Vanguard Group Inc., one of the two largest mutual fund organizations in the world 2000 Daisaku Ikeda, president of Soka Gakkai International, a global association of lay Buddhists 2001 Edward G. Boehne, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the longest serving of the 12 regional Federal Reserve presidents Alexander F. Giacco, fomer chairman, president and chief executive officer of Hercules Inc. Arthur B. Metzner, H. Fletcher Brown Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering, a pioneer in theoretical research in fluid mechanics and rheology Martin A. Pomerantz, director and professor emeritus of the Bartol Research Institute at UD, who launched Bartol's Antarctic research program in 1959 Paul A. Volcker, chairman of the Federal Reserve System from 1979-87 Medal of Merit recipients (awarded until 1995) The University's Medal of Merit was given in recognition of contributions to human progress, primarily through sustained service to others in the community, state and region. In 1995, this honor was consolidated with the UD Medal of Distinction. 1990 Martha Field Chapple Steel, director emeritus of the Wilmington Medical Center 1991 Robert J. Berndt, state senator Marjorie J.S. Tilghman, retired history teacher and past president of the University of Delaware Alumni Association 1992 Robert W. Grimble, retired DuPont executive and chairperson of the Academy of Lifelong Learning fundraising effort to build Arsht Hall Lloyd Stuart Casson, vicar of the Parish of Trinity Church and St. Paul's Chapel in New York and founder of the Delaware Opportunities Industrialization Center 1993 Jane P. Maroney, Delaware state representative well-known for her work in human services and children's issues Jack Lewis, artist active in the Rehoboth Art League Littleton P. Mitchell, community activist and long-time president of the Delaware State Conference of Branches of the NAACP 1994 Joseph F. Hulihan, former president and chief operating officer of Diamond State Telephone Burt C. Pratt, retired research scientist with DuPont and recipient of the 1988 Lifetime Achievement in Philanthropy Award from the National Society of Fund Raising Executives Medal of Distinction recipients The University of Delaware Medal of Distinction is awarded to persons who have made humanitarian, cultural, intellectual or scientific contributions to society, who have achieved noteworthy success in their chosen professions or have given significant service to the University, community, state or region. 1990 Lester Snowdon Sinness, retired DuPont executive and benefactor Stephen Charles Gunzenhauser, conductor and music director of the Delaware Symphony Orchestra 1992 Blaine Chase McKusick, retired DuPont executive and active member of the University of Delaware Research Foundation George Dallas Green, former major league baseball manager 1993 Chaplin Tyler, retired corporate executive Richard Eugene Emmert, former vice president of the photosystems and electronic products department at DuPont 1994 J. Robert King, professor emeritus of music 1995 Leonard W. Quill, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Wilmington Trust Co. Bernard C. Watson, president and chief operating officer of the William Penn Foundation Andrew J. Turner Jr., director of the Delaware Division of Human Relations and vice president of the National Association of Human Rights Workers Community Advisory Committee 1996 Mary Kaye Carpenter, founder of the Pilot School for students with learning disabilities and an active member of the Delaware Foundation for Retarded Children James C. Kakavas, professor emeritus of biological sciences and founder of the Medical Technology Program Ada Leigh Soles, Delaware legislator and former UD academic adviser Endsley P. Fairman, former Wilmington Trust Co. executive and executive secretary of the Longwood Foundation Inc. from 1973-92 Thurman Adams, farmer and Delaware legislator Alvin B. Stiles, retired DuPont research fellow and UD professor of chemical engineering William B. Allen, architectural historian for the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. 1997 Sarah Jastak-Burgess, philanthropist who is active in the arts in Delaware Katherine Esterly, pediatrician and the state's first neonatologist, who developed the Division of Neonatology at the Medical Center of Delaware Donald Puglisi, MBNA America Business Professor of Finance at UD Helen Farr Sloan, widow of the noted American artist John Sloan and an active advocate of, and generous benefactor to the University Gallery 1998 Karl W. Böer, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics and Solar Energy Charles S. Joanedis, retired vice president of Getty Refining & Marketing Co., who established an endowed scholarship for chemical engineering students Lloyd L. Thoms, a retired DuPont benefit analyst who, with his late wife Dorothy, has been a friend of the Department of Art Conservation, a senior benefactor of Delaware Diamonds and who donated a scholarship (the Agnes K. Thoms President's Achievement Award) in memory of his sister, a 1929 UD alumna Claude A. Bunnell, retired chairman of Bunnell Plastics Inc. and an active volunteer and supporter of the University's World War II Era Alumni Scholarship Endowment Campaign Mae Riedy Carter, advocate for women and first chairperson of UD's Commission on the Status of Women Carol E. Hoffecker, Richards Professor of History at UD and author of numerous books on Delaware and University histor 1999 Yetta Chaiken, an innovative junior high school history teacher, who has been active in the community and who, with her late husband Frank, contributed a special gift for advancing Jewish studies at UD, establishing the Frank and Yetta Chaiken Center for Jewish Studies and helping build the Hillel Student Center Nancy Bradford du Pont Reynolds, a sculptor whose work has been exhibited nationally and regionally and who also has served as president of the board of directors of the Children's Bureau, as trustee of Children's Home Inc., as a member of the University's Architecture Visiting Committee and on museum and institutional garden committees Ann Dugdale Wick, an active volunteer who has served on the boards and as an adviser for several local organizations, a volunteer for the University's 150th Anniversary Capital Campaign and instrumental in establishing the George W. Laird Merit Fellowship, honoring her late husband. Robert H. Bolling Jr., founder of the R.H. Bolling Jr. Co., a consulting engineering firm, and president of the Welfare Foundation Inc. since 1979 2000 M. Jane Nuckols Garrett, senior editor for Alfred A. Knopf Publishing Co., who has edited six Pulitzer Prize-winning books in history Helen Gouldner, dean of UD's College of Arts and Science from 1974-90 Victor Battaglia, attorney and senior partner in the firm of Biggs & Battaglia, a leader in UD fundraising campaigns and an outspoken advocate in the areas of education, malpractice and prison reform Chuck Stone, former UD professor of English and senior editor and columnist with the Philadelphia Daily News, now the Walter Spearman Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of North Carolina 2001 Donald F. Crossan, professor emeritus and former dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Helen B. Eliason, co-founder and co-chair of the Friends of Goodstay Gardens on UD's Wilmington Campus Catherine B. Flickinger, retired educator, trustee emerita and benefactor of the University, Margaret Perkins, teacher and widow of former UD President John A. Perkins Karl W. Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit The Karl W. Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit, consisting of a bronze medal and a $40,000 prize, is awarded to an individual who has made significant pioneering contributions to the promotion of solar energy as an alternate source of energy through research, development or economic enterprise, or to an individual who has made extraordinarily valuable and enduring contributions to the field of solar energy in other ways. Funded by an endowment, the medal is given in honor of Karl Wolfgang Böer, a longtime faculty member of the University of Delaware, founder of its Institute of Energy Conversion and a distinguished scientist in the field of solar cells. 1993 Jimmy Carter, former U.S. president 1995 David E. Carlson, vice president of Solarex Thin Film Division, an AMOCO subsidiary 1997 Adolf Goetzberger, founder of the Institute for Solar Energy Systems at the Fraunhofer Institute and professor at the University of Freiburg, Germany 1999 Stanford R. Ovshinsky, president and CEO of Energy Conversion Devices and the United Solar Systems Corp., 2001 Allen M. Barnett, president and CEO of AstroPower Inc., the largest U.S.-owned solar electric power component manufacturer and fifth largest in the world, and former director of UD's Institute of Energy Conversion Alumni Wall of Fame Established in 1983 by the University of Delaware's Board of Trustees, the Wall of Fame is a photographic exhibit recognizing the professional achievements of outstanding alumni in diverse fields. Annual selections are made by the Alumni Association Awards Committee. 1991 Thurman G. Adams Jr. '50, Delaware state senator and president of Harrington Raceway and T.G. Adams & Sons Lozelle Elizabeth Jenkins De Luz '85 PhD, president of De Luz Management Consultants and vice president of Research for Better Schools William L. Friend '58M, president of Bechtel National Carol O'Neill Mayhew '64, '71M, '78M, '84 EdD, state director of instruction of the Delaware Department of Instruction Joseph E. McDade '65M, '67 PhD, associate director for laboratory science, Center for Infectious Diseases of the Centers for Disease Control Mary Patterson McPherson '60M, president of Bryn Mawr College Leonard W. Quill '58 '66M, president and chief operating officer of Wilmington Trust Co. Nancy Churchman Sawin '40M, retired headmistress of Sanford School, artist and author 1992 Januar D. Bove Jr. '41, Delaware attorney general from 1959-63 C. Wayne Callaway '63, doctor with a practice in internal medicine, endocrinology and metabolism and clinical nutrition Robert W. Gore '59, president of W.L. Gore & Associates Inc. Peyton Blanche Hudson '57, associate professor of textile and apparel management at North Carolina State University Bruce E. Jarrell '69, chairperson of the department of surgery at the University of Arizona 1993 John L. Anderson '67, professor and head of the chemical engineering department at Carnegie Mellon University William R. Baldt '57, '67M, president of Goldey-Beacom College in Wilmington J. Edward Legates '43, William Neal Professor at North Carolina State University and dean of the School of Agriculture and Life Sciences from 1971-86 LaVerna Lyn Leonard '71, '78M, senior vice president for corporate affairs with the Home Builders Institute Susan P. Stroman '76, Tony Award-winning choreographer 1994 Howard E. Cosgrove '70M, chairman, president and chief executive officer of Delmarva Power & Light Co. John N. McDowell '31, first full-time executive secretary of the Alumni Association and secretary of the state of Delaware from 1953-58 Jane Margaret O'Brien '81PhD, president of Hollins College Reed E. Pyeritz '68, leader of the research team at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine that discovered the cause of, and pioneered life-saving treatment for, Marfan syndrome Sue Lewis Robinson '74, district judge in the U.S. District Court for Delaware 1995 William B. Chandler III '73, vice chancellor of the Delaware Court of Chancery Donald F. Crossan '50, professor emeritus and former dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Jack L. Messman '62, president and chief executive officer of Union Pacific Resources Co. in Fort Worth Lorraine Waxman Pearce '58M, owner, consultant and art teacher at Getty House Antiques in Washington, D.C. Jane G. Pepper '77, '78M, president of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and manager of the Philadelphia Flower Show 1996 M. Jane Brady '73, attorney general of the state of Delaware Edward E. Butler '43, professor emeritus of plant pathology at the University of California at Davis Yvette L. Freeman '72, Broadway and television actress Ronald H. Haines '56, Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of Washington, D.C. David R. Hoyer '53, retired president of Chevron U.S.A. Inc. 1997 Donald R. Brunner '66, senior vice president of J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc. Richard T. Collins '71, president of Citicorp Banking Corp. and Citibank's senior officer in Delaware Jeanne Watson Driscoll '71, nurse psychologist, consultant and internationally known speaker Col. James L. Ford Jr. '73, retired superintendent and colonel of the Delaware State Police Dr. Julie Moyer Knowles '82, partner in and administrator of HealthSouth Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center in Wilmington 1998 William C. Allen '72, architectural historian for the Architect of the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Edward J. Bennett '59, president of Bennett Security Service and Delaware legislator from 1976-94 Paula L. Gavin '67, president and chief executive officer of the YMCA of Greater New York, the largest YMCA in the country Robert V. A. Harra Jr. '71, president and chief operating officer of Wilmington Trust Co. Everett Clarence Johnson 1899 (awarded posthumously), founder of The Newark Post and the Press of Kells and a lifetime trustee of the University Jane E. Mitchell '63, retired registered nurse who was the first African-American registered nurse employed in a hospital in the state of Delaware and the first nurse to be appointed director of psychiatric nursing services at Delaware State Hospital 1999 Paul J. Andrisani '68, '70M, professor of management and director of the Center for Labor and Human Resources Studies and co-director of the Privatization Research Center at Temple University Karen Emas Borbee '85, associate professor of physical education and a head coach of the women's field hockey and lacrosse teams at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, where she also has served as head coach for women's soccer and basketball. Leon deValinger Jr. '30, '35M, '64H, Delaware's state archivist from 1941-72, who is credited with turning the First State's archives into one of the nation's finest Wayne J. Pollari '50, '51M, retired teacher, department chairman, coach and high school administrator with 36 years of experience in the Mount Pleasant and Brandywine school districts in Delaware Harold R. Raymond '65M, UD's head football coach since 1966 H. Albert Young '26 (awarded posthumously), a distinguished trial lawyer for more than 20 years who won the right of women to serve on both grand and petit juries and obtained the first state Supreme Court decision permitting aggrieved employees to peacefully picket in Delaware 2000 Amelia Augustus '59, CEO of Augustus Associates Inc. and president, director and co-founder of The Women's Economic Round Table Inc., a nonprofit organization offering information and women experts in economic issues, to the public, policymakers and the media Henri L. Bertuch '54, chairman of the board of DVC Industries Inc. and Via Tech Publishing Solutions Inc. Thomas D. Campbell '72, president of Thomas D. Campbell Associates Inc., a government affairs firm, and chairperson of the Congressional Award Foundation, a public/private partnership through which Congress and the private sector recognize the accomplishments of young people who devote themselves to improving their lives and their communities Frederick E. Roberts '71M, director of Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pa. 2001 Raymond Eid '59M, retired DuPont Co. executive and recipient of the French Medal of Merit Thomas Gutshall '60, chairman, CEO and founding member of Cepheid, a diagnotics company that emphasizes micro-machined systems and components for use in DNA testing Charles Lewis III '75, founder and executive director of the Center for Public Integrity, a widely respected watchdog group in Washington, D.C. Larry Pike '74M, chairman, president and CEO fo Union Central Life Insurance Co. in Cincinnati Carol Hoffecker '60, Richards Professor of History at UD and noted Delaware historian Richard J. Hutton '48, chairman of the board of the Conard-Pyle Co., one of the top 25 production nurseries in the United States and home of Star Roses Elmer Paul Catts '52, '57M (awarded posthumously), former member of UD's entomology faculty, chairperson of the entomology department at Washington State University and a well-known forensic entomologist Outstanding Alumni Award recipients The recognition, presented annually by the UD Alumni Association since 1952, honors service to the organization and to the University. 1991 Barbara Jenkinson Owens '58, teacher in the Colonial School District and member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and co-chair of the 20th and 25th reunion committees, and Charles S. Joanedis '50, retired vice president of Getty Refining & Marketing Co. who helped establish the Chemical Engineering Class of 1950 Scholarship Fund 1992 M. Jane Riley Richter '59, owner and director of The Little School Inc., and Robert V.A. Harra Jr. '71, then executive vice president of Wilmington Trust Co. Inc. 1993 JoAnne Collier Shaw '60 '75M, board member of the Human Resources Alumni Association (HRAA) for five years, and H. Wesley Towers Jr. '64, state veterinarian for the Delaware Department of Agriculture 1994 Sally Heinel Higgins '48, '72M, retired director of guidance in the Seaford School District and long-time UD trustee, and Anthony DePetris '86M, executive assistant to the president of Burlington County College and the founder of the College of Urban Affairs and Public Policy satellite alumni association 1995 Barbara Ebaugh Mouring '58, tutor with Baltimore County Adult Education, alumni chapter leader and class representative, and William B. Clements '44, '50M, president of Clements Management Inc, a member of the UD Advisory Committee and a life member of the Engineering Alumni Association 1996 Frances Oliphant Allmond '53, class representative who successfully co-chaired the 40th reunion of her class and a member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, and Samuel J. Talucci '51, a retired Rohm & Haas Co. executive, co-chairperson for the 45th reunion for his class year, and a member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors and UD's Athletic Fund board 1997 Joan Marshall Thompson '49, co-coordinator for the original Sussex County chapter of the University of Delaware Alumni Association, and Lillian Marshall Burris '41, a member of the University of Delaware alumni board and the Advisory Committee on Education of Women, as well as class agent for the Alumni Giving Program from 1960-64 1998 Joyce Hilty Richards '51, past member of the Alumni Association Board, and William G. Murray, Jr. '50, president of Young/Murray Realtors and a member of the UD Athletic Fund steering committee 1999 Alice M. Rhinehart '42, a member of the Board of the Alumni Association, serving on its fundraising and travel committees and instrumental in creating the ACES (Alumni Career Employment Services) program, and Donald F. Crossan '50, professor emeritus and former dean of the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 2000 Robert L. Richards '50, a member of the 50th reunion committee for the Class of 1950 and of the Alumni Association Board of Directors, serving on both its scholarship and awards committees Presidential Citation recipients Begun in 1992, the award honors alumni of the last 20 years who exhibit great promise in their professional careers or public service activities. 1992 Patricia E. Abernethy '75 '76M, superintendent of the city of Burlington (N.J.) Public Schools H. Raye Rice Avery '77, executive director, Christina Cultural Arts Center Lisa Eline Best '80 '86M, teacher at Ross Elementary School and 1990 Delaware Teacher of the Year Keith R. Booker '78, director of community services, Kingswood Community Center and president, Wilmington branch, NAACP Laurie Blom Chouinard '73, '77M, technical sales representative of Gore-Tex, medical products division, W.L. Gore & Associates Katharine Holderness Cole '76, researcher, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health Cari DeSantis '78, vice president for corporate development, St. Francis Hospital Robert E. Dickerson '73, president and chief executive officer, Baltimore Trust Co., and president, Delaware Bankers Association Brian T. Downie '78, director, Western Development Corp. Richard J. Gannon '87, quarterback, Minnesota Vikings Anthony R. Goland '83, principal, McKinsey & Co. Inc. Marc L. Greenberg '86, president and co-owner, Small Systems Management Corp. Stephen E. Hammond '85, associate principal/interior designer, Duvall Hendricks Inc. Mark W. Hopkins '80, senior research engineer, Du Pont Co. John A. Howell III '73, commander, U.S. Navy Peter C. Johnson '72, senior corporate vice president, International Management Co. Diana L. Klug '86PhD, development supervisor, CFC Alternatives, Du Pont Co. David S. Kohut '73, program director, drug and alcohol services, Life Guidance Services Inc. Robert S. Mayer '75, personnel/public relations manager, Nationwide Insurance Companies J. Everett Moore Jr. '72, partner, Moore & Ruit law firm Steven J. Mosteller '76, assistant conductor, New York City Opera and music director, Berks Grand Opera Co. Robert E. Palmer '80PhD, senior policy coordinator, Committee on Science, Space & Technology, U.S. House of Representatives Carol A. Randolph '73, founder and executive director, New Beginnings Inc. Jacqueline Richter-Menge '79, '82M, research civil engineer, U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory William J. Wade '73, partner, Richards, Layton and Finger law firm 1993 Mona Boyd Browne '83, president, Nutrition Communication Services, and author of Healthy Start: Food to Grow On Theodore H. Carski '86PhD, senior research chemist, DuPont Co. Steven A. Combs '88, opera singer, Metropolitan Opera Jeffrey S. Cooper '75, head trainer, Philadelphia Phillies Michele Grosseibl Dorrell '86, vice president of human resources, American Express Centurion Bank James M. Dougherty '76, '78, president/CEO, Fidelity Bond & Mortgage, and director, Hansen Savings Bank Scott C. Fleetwood '74, marketing manager, American Cyanamid Co. David R. Helwig '73, vice president of nuclear services, Philadelphia Electric Co. Martha Hoe Ireland '88M, president/owner, Altering Disordered Eating Gregory E. Johnson '86M, project manager, EA Engineering, Science and Technology Inc. Linda C. Jolly '73M, president, Salem Community College Linda Laskowski Jones '83, '87M, trauma clinical specialist, Medical Center of Delaware Michael L. King '81PhD, vice president, North American Operations for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing, Merck Manufacturing, Division of Merck & Co. Teresa Barkley McLaughlin '78, draper/patternmaker, Perry Ellis International and quilt artist Stephen M. Mosko '78, vice president of television syndication, Columbia Pictures David G. Raymond '79, entertainer, Phillie Phanatic Barbara L. Sheppard '77, pre-school director, Peoples Settlement Assn. Abbie Brockwell Small '83, vice president of crafts and home decorating, Simplicity Pattern Co. Inc. Timothy D. Stark '81, assistant professor of civil engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign James B. Tillinghast '80, vice president/creative group supervisor, The Weightman Group
1994 Arthur W. Boswell '88M, administrative assistant to the mayor of the city of Wilmington, Del. Stephen J. Ceci '74, recipient of a National Institutes of Health Research Career Development Award and two-time recipient of Senior Fulbright-Hayes Fellowships Mark J. DiNardo '83, director of electronic media at The Spectrum in Philadelphia Theopalis K. Gregory '74, attorney and Wilmington, Del., City Council member-at-large Frank W. Hatch '77PhD, director of the Analytical Sciences Department for the McNeil Consumer Products Company in Fort Washington, Pa. Laura Lee Hickman '79M, accomplished artist and instructor Charles R. Lewis III '75, founder, chairman and executive director of the Center for Public Integrity in Washington, D.C. Valerie Zingler Martin '78, director of the Ministry of Caring's Child Care Center for homeless children in Wilmington, Del. H. Dean McSpadden Jr. '76, first doctor in the state of Delaware to participate in Doctors with a Heart, the largest doctor-sponsored charity in the world Mary Ann Mieczkowski '75, Teacher of the Year in 1993 of the Association for the Rights of Citizens with Mental Retardation on both the state and national levels Linda Justice Myrick '77, hydrogen peroxide business director, FMC Corp. Cynthia Nachtmann Opderbeck '81, first certified nurse-midwife in New Castle County, Delaware, to be granted hospital privileges for performing normal childbirth delivery procedures A. Douglas Rothwell, chief executive officer of the Michigan Jobs Commission Richard W. Schneider '85PhD, president of Norwich University in Northfield, Vt. Timothy E. Shanahan '80PhD, professor of urban education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he also serves as director of the University's Center for Literacy and as coordinator of Graduate Programs of Reading, Writing and Literacy. Wayne A. Smith '84, Delaware legislator John T. Trumble '74, professor of entomology at the University of California, Riverside and president of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America Susan E. Trumbore '81, assistant professor in of geoscience at the University of California, Irvine Ann Shepard Visalli '87, '90M, director of the President's Youth Service Awards, sponsored by the American Institute for Public Service Linda C. Whitehead '76, '84M, '89PhD, executive director of MBNA America's Great Expectations Children's Learning Centers Deborah A. Ziegler '75, '77M, '88PhD, director of the Delaware Early Childhood Center in Harrington, Del.
1995 Rakesh Agrawal '77M, principal engineering associate at Air Products & Chemicals Inc. Kurt B. Akeley '80, vice president and chief engineer of visual systems group, Silcon Graphics Inc Carole A. Bieber '76, co-founder and owner of Flapdoodles Children's Clothing Christopher Castagno '83, director of Chestnut Enterprises Ltd., a Hong Kong trading and investment company Paul Drayton Jr. '82, executive director of the Delaware River and Port Authority Devona Goeins-Williams '76 '82M '92PhD, owner of Goeins-Williams Associates, a management consulting and public relations business Marc A. Ham '85, co-founder and president of Flapdoodles Children's Clothing Marian Kaminitz '84M, chief conservator of the Mark A. Kleinschmidt '81, president of New Castle County Economic Development Corp. Iran Lawrence '79, fiber artist Melanie Lewis '86, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and school teacher Michael R. Liberati '81, senior section manager-geology at the DuPont Co.'s Environmental Remediation Services Margaret Schulz Maley '86, oncology nurse and president of Oncology Care Home Health Specialists Inc. Kyle Elizabeth Skopic '84, assistant county attorney for Fairfax, Va. Kirk Souder '85, art director, co-owner and founder of Ground Zero Advertising Nancy Hawthorn Wilson '71, '88M, '94PhD, Delaware administrator responsible for developing interagency agreements for early-intervention programs for infants and toddlers with disabilities Marie-Anne Woolley '88, veterinarian at Red Lion Veterinary Hospital, New Castle, Del. Judith D. Zuk '76, president and chief executive officer of the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens
1996 Kenneth L. Becker '72, '76M, a vice president of Smith Barney Inc., an investment banking firm Virginia M. Burns-Ferrara '76, kindergarten teacher at Mt. Pleasant Elementary School in Wilmington, who was inducted into the Delaware Association for Childhood Education Hall of Excellence in 1993 Harmon R. Carey '77M, founder and executive director of the Afro-American Historical Society of Delaware, as well as the executive assistant for African-American heritage in the Division of Historical and Cultural Affairs Patricia Ann Childs '76, '78M, founder and co-facilitator of the M.S. Support Group in Tucson, Ariz., who helped form and chaired the Service Committee of the M.S. Support Foundation of Pima County, Ariz. Willie Curtis '77, '80M, '83PhD, associate professor at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis Brian Deleu '92, director of design for Regarde Inc., a sportswear company located in New York Jacqueline Edington '83, senior clinical nutrition adviser for the Ross Products Division of Abbott Laboratories Ltd. in the United Kingdom Martin L. Klopping '76, president of Rodney Square Management Corp. (RSMC), an investment adviser and mutual fund service company Robert L. Lipstein '77, a partner with KPMG Peat Marwick, a professional services firm Jeanne McCauley '76, assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a fellow of the American College of Physicians Renosi Mokate '83M, '86PhD, director of the Center for Reconstruction and Development, as well as a professor at the University of Pretoria and the chief executive officer of the Independent Electoral Commission that, in April 1994, administered South Africa's first multiracial election. Cynthia R. Ryan '76, associate chief counsel for the U.S. Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration Elizabeth A. Schwenk '88, lead keeper of the Rare Animal House at the Philadelphia Zoo Robert S. Slowik '77, '85M, defensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears Gwen L. Stauffer '93M, director of horticulture at Hillwood, Va., Museum and Gardens. Shelley Sturman '79M, head of object conservation at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. Joan Gracey Thomas '88M, executive vice president of St. Francis Hospital in Wilmington, Del. Julia E. Unger '88, lead keeper of the World of Primates at the Philadelpha Zoo Sibusiso Vil-Nkomo '83M, '85PhD, commissioner of the Public Service Commission in the Republic of South Africa Jane C. Wright Vincent '77, '95M, director of the Department of Real Estate and Housing for the city of Wilmington
1997 Eugene W. Bernosky '80, co-founder of Applied Chemical Solutions, provider of high-purity chemicals to the semiconductor industry, and owner of a technology investment banking practice Marcia Bauer Capuano '85M, principal of IPS-Harshman Middle School in Indianapolis Nathan Erwin '81, manager of the Smithsonian Institution's Insect Zoo Kathryn Koch Fleming '79, president of Amoco Chemical China C. Scott Forbes '79, a partner of Andersen Consulting, a global professional services firm Jane G. Govatos '95M, first nurse practitioner for Milford Memorial Hospital's Georgetown Primary Care Center D. Charles Herak '85, '94M, product manager for Hercules Inc. John T. Huggard III '80, chief anesthetist for Halifax Memorial Hospital Philip M. Jardine '81, '83M, a soil chemist/physicist for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Velda Jones-Potter '79, manager of contract manufacturing for the DuPont Co. Wayne D. Lord '79M, supervisory special agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation Teresa Mullett Ressel '86, '87M, vice president, national environmental, health and safety, for Kaiser Permanente Marianne Richter '90M, curator for the Union League Club of Chicago Lisa M. Salati '78, assistant professor of biochemistry at West Virginia University Margaret Van Heek '85, principal scientist at the Schering-Plough Research Institute Melody L. Young '80, senior buyer with Toys 'R' Us
1999 Bakhtier Farouk '79M, '82PhD, an acknowledged authority in the fields of heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics and combustion and professor of mechanical engineering at Drexel University Tyrone J. Jones '90, first director of the Wilmington, Del., Department of Youth and Families, an advocate for the accountability of services provided to youth and their families through federal, state and community agencies William E. Lowe Jr. '85, one of fewer than 100 pilots authorized and qualified to pilot ships of more than a quarter of a million deadweight tons on the Delaware River and the Delaware-Chesapeake Canal Janice Mitchell Mintz '81, commissioner of personnel for the state of New Jersey with responsibility for overseeing 440 department employees and 200,000 civil service workers. William Oberlander III '81, creative/director partner of Kirshenbaum Bond & Partners, one of the top five creative agencies in the country Kevin M. O'Neil '79, fellowship director for the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship for the National Capital Consortium Jack E. Rechcigl '82, research professor at the University of Florida and Honorary Distinguished Professor at the Czech Agricultural University in Prague Alan C. Schroeder '82 '84M, technical adviser for the U.S. Agency for International Development's Africa Emergency Locust/Grasshopper Assistance Project, working with African governments, the United Nations and other organization to control locust outbreaks before they become devastating plagues Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss '82M, chief conservator and project manager of the Star-Spangled Banner Preservation Project at the Smithsonian Institution David L. Warnock '80, president of T. Rowe Price Strategic Funds and founding board member of the Center for Families, Fathers and Work Force Development (an organization for developing the working and parenting skills of urban men)
2000 Robert T. Ashman '81, assistant vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, helping direct the Wholesale Payments Product Office and managing national funds transfer products and technology issues Lisa A. Bartolozzi '85, artist whose work has been exhibited in Wilmington, Philadelphia, New York and Italy Wayne W. Campbell '84, assistant professor of foods and nutrition at Purdue University, where his research focuses on the effects of nutrition and exercise on older men and women as they age Robert W. Greene III '80, owner and president of Bob Greene Enterprises Inc. and author of Make the Connection: 10 Steps to a Better Body and, with Oprah Winfrey, A Journal of Daily Renewal: The Companion to Make the Connection Robin M. Mayhew '87, '92M, community planner for the Federal Transit Administration, assisting the state of Pennsylvania David P. Murbach '88M, director of the Gardens Division of Rockefeller Center, which includes the world famous Rockefeller Center Christmas tree Mylene Turek Pollock '83, chief creative officer at Long Haymes Carr in Winston-Salem, N.C. Joseph G. Susan Jr. '78, '82M, head football coach of the Wildcats at Davidson College Named Professors Mark A. Barteau, Robert L. Pigford Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1996 Ralph J. Begleiter, Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor of Communication and Distinguished Journalist, 2000 Stephen A. Bernhardt, Andrew B. Kirkpatrick Jr. Chair in Writing, 2001 John S. Boyer, E. I. du Pont Professor of Marine Biochemistry/Biophysics, 1988 Hilton Brown, Harriet T. Baily Professor of Art Conservation, 1993 Joan L. Brown, Elias Ahuja Professor of Spanish, 1999 Susan Brynteson, May Morris Director of Libraries, 2001 John L. Burmeister, Alumni Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1993 L. Leon Campbell, Hugh M. Morris Research Professor of Molecular Biosciences, 1988 Daniel D. Carson, Trustees Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences, 2000 Tsu-Wei Chou, Jerzy L. Nowinski Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1993 David L. Colton, Unidel Professor of Mathematical Sciences, 1997 Robert A. Dalrymple, Edward C. Davis Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 1996 Fred J. DeMicco, Aramark Chair in Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Management, 2001 Charles M. Elson, Edgar S. Wollard Jr. Chair in Corporate Governance, 2000 Thomas K. Gaisser, Martin A. Pomerantz Chair, 2001 Howard Garland, Chaplin Tyler Professor of Business, 1997 Richard Garvine, Maxwell P. and Mildred H. Harrington Professor of Marine Studies, 1997 Barbara Gates, Alumni Distinguished Professor of English, 1996 Robert P. Gilbert, Unidel Professor of Mathematical Sciences, 1988 Michael J. Ginzberg, Chaplin Tyler Professor of Business Administration, 2000 Leslie F. Goldstein, Judge Hugh M. Morris Professor of Political Science and International Relations, 1996 (formerly Unidel Professor of Political Science and International Relations) Roberta M. Golinkoff, H. Rodney Sharp Professor of Educational Studies, 1996 Pamela J. Green, Crawford H. Greenewalt Chair, 2001 George C. Hadjipanayis, Richard B. Murray Professor of Physics and Astronomy, 1999 Tamara K. Hareven, Unidel Professor of Individual and Family Studies, 1993 Bernard L. Herman, Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor of Art History, 2000 David Herman, Trustees Distinguished Professor of Music and University Organist, 2000 James Hiebert, Robert J. Barkley Professor of Education, 1996 (formerly H. Rodney Sharp Professor of Education) Carol Hoffecker, Richards Professor of History, 1985 C. P. Huang, Distinguished Professor of Environmental Engineering, 1993 Carroll Izard, Trustees Distinguished Professor of Psychology, 2000 Eric W. Kaler, Elisabeth Inez Kelley Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1998 David L. Kirchman, Maxwell P. and Mildred H. Harrington Professor of Marine Studies, 1998 A. Dennis Kirwan Jr., Mary A.S. Lighthipe Chair in the College of Marine Studies, 2000 Peter R. Kolchin, Henry Clay Reed Professor of History, 1996 John C. Kraft, H. Fletcher Brown Professor of Geology, 1987 Michael Leja, Sewell C. Biggs Chair of American Art History, 2000 J. A. Leo Lemay, Winterthur Professor of English, 1985 Kenneth A. Lewis, Chaplin Tyler Professor of Business, 1993 George W. Luther III, Maxwell P. and Mildred H. Harrington Professor of Marine Studies, 2000 Peter B. Monk, Unidel Professor of Mathematics, 2000 Frank B. Murray, H. Rodney Sharp Professor of Educational Studies and Psychology, 1985 James K. Oliver, Emma Smith Morris Professor of Political Science and International Relations, 1996 (formerly Unidel Professor of Political Science and International Relations) Donald L. Peters, Amy Rextrew Professor of Individual and Family Studies, 1993 Lois D. Potter, Ned B. Allen Professor of English, 1993 Donald J. Puglisi, MBNA America Business Professor, 1993 John F. Rabolt, Karl W. and Renata Böer Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, 2001 T. W. Fraser Russell, Allan P. Colburn Professor of Chemical Engineering, 1985 Stanley I. Sandler, Henry Belin du Pont Chair of Chemical Engineering, 2000 Erwin M. Saniga, Dana J. Johnson Professor, 2000 Frank R. Scarpitti, Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice, 2000 Laurence S. Seidman, Chaplin Tyler Professor of Economics, 1999 Harry L. Shipman, Annie Jump Cannon Professor of Physics and Astronomy, 1999 James R. Soles, Distinguished Alumni Professor of Political Science and International Relations, 1993 Donald L. Sparks, T.A. Baker Professor of Plant and Soil Sciences, 1996 (formerly Distinguished Professor of Soil Science) E. Kent St. Pierre, Arthur Andersen Alumni Professor of Accounting, 1996 Ib A. Svendsen, Distinguished Professor of Ocean Engineering, 1996 Andras Z. Szeri, Robert L. Spencer Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1996 Richard L. Venezky, Unidel Professor of Educational Studies, 1985 Jack R. Vinson, H. Fletcher Brown Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1985 Jewel H. Walker, Edward F. and Elizabeth Goodman Rosenberg Professor of Theatre, 2000 Leland Ware, Louis L. Redding Chair for the Study of Law and Public Policy, 2000 George H. Watson, Unidel Professor of Physics and Astronomy, 2001 Mary Wirth, C. Eugene Bennett Chair in Analytical Chemistry, 2001 Raymond Wolters, Thomas Muncy Keith Professor of History, 2000 |