Delaware Review of Latin American Studies
Vol. 5   No. 1   August 15, 2004


Carlino, Florencia  Evaluation at the Forefront of the Neoliberal Agenda for Education in Latin America: Disclosing the Contradictions of the Recent Argentinian Experience. Department of Modern Languages, Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Cohen, Paul   Mirror, Mask and Portrait in Fuentes' Terra Nostra. English Department, Texas State University

Roberts, Nicole  Discovering Resemblances: Language and Identity in Caribbean Poetry. Department of Liberal Arts, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Zabaleta, Marta R.  Acerca de la memoria: Voces revolucionarias del Sur 1 School of Arts, Middlesex University, United Kingdom


Gonzales Sae-Saue, Jayson T. An Interview with Nobel Laureate Rigoberta Menchú Tum, June 2003

Book Reviews

Pinto-Bailey, Cristina  The Human Tradition in Modern Brazil.  Edited by Peter M. Beattie.

Martínez, América  Mexico: The Revolution and Beyond. Photographs by Agustín Víctor Casasola 1900-1940.  Essay by Pete Hamill.

Last updated August 23, 2004