Wild World of Words

Do word scrambles, anagrams, and crossword puzzles. Figure out crazy word combinations and unusual origins. Improve your vocabulary and your pun collection. Check your ability to detect and repair misspellings.

If you are looking for exciting word games and activities click on Wild World of Words. You'll see a menu that lists different challenges by category and level. Choose from a list including the following: Spelling Challenge (respell the misspelled words), Word Scramble Challenge (unscramble letters to form a new word), Word Forming Challenge (form the 10 longest words possible from a given group of letters), Animal Idiom Challenge (decide which animal name finishes a common phrase), Containers and Quantities Challenge (decide which container or quantity best measures a given object), Homograph Challenge (find a word that sounds like the given word), and Decoding Challenge (use sounds to decode words). Once you choose a game, simply click on the level you want to try. Have fun challenging yourself and your friends.

Wild World of Words
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