Garry L. Briese is serving currently as the Local Program Integrator for the Wide Area Recovery and Resiliency Program (WARRP) for the Denver UASI and is also a Principal in the professional services and consulting company, Briese and Associates, working in markets such as communications, emergency services media, incident command, force protection & accountability, high risk facility protection, mass decontamination & emergency medical services.
In 2008, he was appointed by the Secretary of DHS as the Regional Administrator for DHS/FEMA Region 8, and served until January 2009. Prior to DHS/FEMA, he served as Vice President, Emergency Management & Homeland Security for ICF International, a Fairfax County, Virginia based, NASDAQ-listed professional services corporation.
Garry is widely recognized as the earliest national advocate in the US for terrorism and WMD preparedness for public safety and emergency services starting in 1978. He has addressed conferences on emergency management, homeland security and leadership across the United States and Japan, Israel, Germany, Belgium, Brazil, Sweden, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
He is a well known speaker on leadership/followership and on the current & future challenges for the public safety, emergency management and homeland security communities and brings experience in the local, state, national, Federal and international aspects of public safety, emergency management and homeland security.
Previously, Garry served as the Executive Director of the International Association of Fire Chiefs and as the Executive Director of the Florida College of Emergency Physicians. He is a member of the Advisory Committee to the Board of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation; a member of the Board of Directors of the IAFC Foundation and is volunteering as the Executive Director of the Firefighter Cancer Support Foundation.