Dr. Daniel Martin, CEM has been recognized by others in the industry as an innovative problem solver - dedicated to the profession of emergency and disaster management. He is recognized as an astute professor of emergency management studies, bridging the theoretical and practical applications of the field of study and dedicated to promoting the profession. Dr. Martin has worked with local, state, and federal governments, as well as international corporations, in the fields of environmental engineering, public health, and emergency management. Additionally, Dr. Martin has responded in various capacities to over twenty disasters including the 2001 World Trade Center Attacks, the 2004 Florida Hurricanes, and Hurricane Katrina, and has authored scores of emergency planning doctrine for local, state and federal entities.
Dr. Martins enthusiasm for and knowledge of the emergency management profession and the effects of disasters on communities has led him to become involved in several professional organizations including the Comprehensive Emergency Management Research (CEMR) Network, American Society of Civil Engineers Committee on Critical Infrastructure, The Infrastructure Security Partnership, and International Association of Emergency Managers. Dr. Martin sits on the IAEM CEM® Commission, a ex-board member of ASCEs Committee on Critical Infrastructure and co-founding board member of the CEMR Network.
Dr. Martin actively consults on various emergency management topics and professes for several universities. He has presented and authored on numerous emergency management topics. Dr. Martin holds degrees in environmental engineering, disaster management, and emergency management. Dr. Martin is a Certified Emergency Manager and a Certified Floodplain Manager.