Ellis Stanley has an international reputation having led delegations of Emergency Management professionals to China and Japan for a professional exchange programs as well as having conducted seminars on emergency management in Trinidad, Tobago and Israel. He recently was part of a multi-disciplinary team that researched Haiti and Chile following major earthquakes, and testified regarding lessons learned before the Senate Homeland Security Ad Hoc Subcommittee on State, Local, and Private Sector Preparedness and Integration during September 2010. He has conducted Senior Crisis Management Seminars for Argentina, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Paraguay, Jordon, Turkey, and Taiwan.
Mr. Stanley's 35+ years of work experience in emergency management began as Director of Emergency Management for Brunswick County, North Carolina in 1975. In 1982 he was appointed as the Director of the Durham-Durham County Emergency Management Agency. In 1987 he was appointed as the Director of the Atlanta-Fulton County Emergency Management Agency. In 1997 he moved to the city of Los Angeles to serve as Assistant City Administrative Officer, and in 2000 as the General Manager of the Emergency Preparedness Department until his retirement in 2007. Mr. Stanley joined Dewberry, LLC in November 2007 as Director of Western Emergency Management Services.
Mr. Stanley is a past President of the International Association of Emergency Managers (IAEM), the American Society of Professional Emergency Planners (ASPEP), the Atlanta Chapter of the National Defense Transportation Association (NDTA) and the Atlanta Chapter of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators.
Mr. Stanley serves as an instructor at American University where he teaches Senior Crisis Management /Command & Control. He also serves as an instructor at Harvard University where he teaches Meta-Leadership.