Pam Pogue has been involved in multi-disaster natural hazard mitigation, coastal zone management and watershed management programs, policies and issues since 1987. She is currently the State National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Manager and the State Program Manager for Hurricanes and Earthquakes at the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency. Her work has primarily been in developing state, county and local hazard mitigation strategies and hazard risk and vulnerability assessments, organizing and facilitating statewide and regional workshops on the NFIP and coastal construction issues for building officials, insurance, real estate agents and lenders.
In June 2005, Ms. Pogue was elected Chair of the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM), an organization of professionals involved in floodplain management, flood hazard mitigation, the NFIP, and flood preparedness, warning and recovery. ASFPM is a respected voice in floodplain management practice and policy in the United States because it represents the flood hazard specialists of local, state and federal government, the research community, the insurance industry, and the fields of engineering, hydrologic forecasting, emergency response, water resources and others.
Ms. Pogue received her B.A. from Georgetown University, in Government and Economics and her M.A. in Marine Affairs from the University of Rhode Island. Ms. Pogue currently resides in East Greenwich with her two children Emily and Christopher.