Michael D. Selves, a native of Chase County, Kansas, currently serves as the Director of the Johnson County Department of Emergency Management
& Homeland Security in Olathe, Kansas. Johnson County is the largest
county in the state with a population in excess of 470,000. It is the
major suburban area of metropolitan Kansas City.
For seven years prior to coming to Johnson County, Mike was the Emergency
Operations Coordinator -- Local Programs for the Kansas Division of Emergency
Management in Topeka. His duties there involved the establishment of
standards and development of strategies for improving the levels of emergency
preparedness in all 105 Kansas counties.
Mike served 20 years in the United States Air Force as a communications and
war plans officer. He retired in 1987 after numerous assignments in
both the US and Europe. His last Air Force assignment was as
Director, Combat Communications Support, at Headquarters Strategic Air Command
where one of his missions was to lead the communications planning and support
team for the US raid on Libya in 1986.
A graduate of Emporia State University, Mike earned his BS Ed. degree in
1967. He received his Master of Science degree in Management from the
University of Arkansas in 1974 and completed all course work toward a Doctorate
in Higher Education/Business at the University of Denver.
Mike is a graduate of the Joint Command, Control and Communications Course
of the Armed Forces Staff College in Norfolk, Virginia, the Air Command and
Staff Course and the Air War College in Montgomery, Alabama. He completed
his Professional Development certification from the Emergency Management
Institute in Emmitsburg, Maryland, and is a Certified Emergency Manager (C.E.M.)
at the national level through the International Association of Emergency
Managers (IAEM) and in Kansas through the Kansas Emergency Management Association
(KEMA). He is also a Certified Public Manager (C.P.M.) and a member
of both the Kansas Society and the American Academy of Certified Public Managers.
He has completed the Management Excellence Program (M.E.P.) at the University
of Virginia's Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service in Charlottesville,
Virginia. He is a member of IAEM, KEMA, the American Society of Professional
Emergency Planners, and the Kansas City Metropolitan Emergency Managers Committee.
He is active in the National Assn. of Counties (NACo) where he is a member
of the Board of Directors, the Homeland Security Task Force, and chairs
NACo's Emergency Management Subcommittee. Mike Serves as the First Vice President and Chair
of the IAEM and the KEMA Government Affairs Committees and as a member
of the Legislative Committee of the Kansas Association of Counties.
He is also a member of the Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Committee
and Co-Chair of its Emergency Planning Subcommittee for the Kansas City Metro
Mike has served as an adjunct university faculty member, teaching both graduate
and undergraduate courses for the University of Maryland, Embry-Riddle University
and the University of Kansas.