January 5, 2000 Classroom Presentation

Y2K After Action


Lacy E. Suiter
Executive Associate Director
Response and Recovery Directorate, FEMA


Online Transcript
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About Lacy Suiter

FEMA Headquarters Y2K Operations Briefing Article
FEMA Headquarters Y2K Operations Briefing Audio (requires RealAudio)
FEMA Y2K Operations Supplement Incident Annex


EIIP Classroom Online Presentation
Wednesday - January 5, 2000 - 12:00 Noon Eastern Time

Y2K After Action

Lacy E. Suiter
Executive Associate Director
FEMA Response and Recovery Directorate

Avagene Moore
Moderator, EIIP Coordinator

The first EIIP Virtual Forum presentation for 2000 featured Lacy E. Suiter, Executive Associate Director, FEMA Response and Recovery Directorate. Lacy reported that FEMA was ready for any potential emergency related to the Millennium rollover. He further explained that the timeframe for potential Y2K problems afforded the opportunity for extensive pre-event planning. FEMA and the emergency management network were ready in case there was a Y2K problem of sufficient magnitude that federal assistance was needed.

Lacy detailed the actions taken beforehand, the 24-hour operation put into place for the rollover, and how planning was based on the Federal Response Plan (FRP) with a Y2K Operations Supplement. He emphasized that the Year 2000 Conversion posed a great challenge to communities across the world and the challenge was met successfully. Governments, business, industry and people across the world came together to take action to prevent a disaster. Y2K preparations raised awareness of the need to be prepared for any potential emergency and stressed the importance of self-sufficiency, personal responsibility and preparedness.


Executive Associate Director
Response and Recovery Directorate, FEMA

Lacy E. Suiter was appointed Executive Associate Director for Response and Recovery by FEMA Director James Lee Witt in October 1996, after spending two years as the agency's head of the Office of Policy and Assessment. In his current position, Lacy is responsible for the
planning and execution of the federal government's response to major disasters and emergencies. He is also responsible for the multi-billion dollar Individual and Public Assistance Grant Programs authorized by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act. Lacy also serves as special advisor to the Director Witt, and served as the
Federal Coordinating Officer for the federal response to Hurricane Fran, in North Carolina.

Before joining FEMA, Lacy spent 30 years as a career employee of the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency; he served the last 12 years as the agency's director. During his tenure in Tennessee, Lacy earned FEMA's Outstanding Public Service Award and the Tennessee Meritorious Service Award, as well as honors from the state's nuclear power
industry. He has headed or been on the board of directors of dozens of organizations in the emergency management field.

His posts have included the National Academy of Science's board on natural disasters, the advisory board of the University of Colorado's Natural Hazards Center, the peer review committee of the Yucca Mountain high-level radioactive disposal project, and the Latin American Partnership. Lacy also chaired the Central United States Earthquake Consortium from 1983 to 1994 and was president of the National Emergency Management Association from 1984 to 1985.

A native of Tennessee, Lacy earned a B.S. in general business from the Middle Tennessee State University.

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