Amy Sebring: Welcome to the EIIP Virtual Classroom! ... Amy Sebring: Background information for today's session may be found at . Amy Sebring: One quick note about any URLs that may be used in the session; they are live links and you can click on them and view the referenced site in your browser window. Amy Sebring: Subsequent "slides" may display behind your chat window, so you may need to bring the browser window forward. Amy Sebring: We will use a number of slides today, but I want to point out that we had to sacrifice graphic resolution for the sake of load time. The originals are much sharper! Amy Sebring: We will have a presentation for about thirty minutes, and then have audience Q&A for the last thirty minutes. We will review the instructions for Q&A as we are about to begin that portion. Amy Sebring: Now, we are pleased to welcome back EIIP partner, Claire Rubin. Amy Sebring: Claire B. Rubin is President of Claire B. Rubin & Associates, a disaster research and consulting firm in Arlington, VA, and a Professorial Lecturer at The George Washington University, Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management. Amy Sebring: She has 20 years of experience in emergency management and has authored numerous publications in the field. She had the lead role in preparing the content of the project she will share with us today, the Disaster Time Line. Amy Sebring: Assisting her in this effort has been Ms Irmak R. Tanali, a Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate at the GWU Institute. Although a newcomer to the field of emergency management, she holds degrees in civil engineering and business administration and has work experience in Turkey. Amy Sebring: She has had the lead role in displaying relationships and in creating the computer-generated graphics. Amy Sebring: Thank you for joining us Claire. Claire Rubin: Thanks to you all. Claire Rubin: Ready for the presentation? Amy Sebring: Yes, please continue Claire. Claire Rubin: The new Disaster Time Line provides a unique, graphic depiction of major disasters, both natural and technological, that have affected emergency management policies in the US. The focus is on the national level. Claire Rubin: Using colorful computer graphics, the Disaster Time Line (roughly 18" x 38") shows not only major events, and the year each occurred, but also the influences each event had... Claire Rubin: on major after-action reports and analyses; federal statutes, regulations and executive orders; federal response plans; and major federal organizational changes. Claire Rubin: The first slide provides an overview of the chart. Claire Rubin: Amy, Slide 1 please. Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: (this will take a moment to load. we will pause) Claire Rubin: Some of you may have seen the draft versions that we have displayed at recent conferences. We showed the chart at (1) the FEMA's Higher Education conference, held at Claire Rubin: EMI/Emmitsburg in early July, and (2) the Natural Hazards Conference at Boulder, CO in mid-July. Claire Rubin: The Disaster Time Line was begun in early 1999, as a teaching tool for our classes in crisis, disaster, and risk management at GWU. We created it in order to provide a useful graphic depiction of major U.S. disasters Claire Rubin: (both natural and technological) that are considered defining events in emergency management. Claire Rubin: The chart provides a snapshot of major disaster events that are considered major milestones; and it shows outcomes in terms of legislative, regulatory, also organizational changes. Claire Rubin: Slide 2 shows the left edge of the chart, which shows the main categories of information presented: disaster events, resulting after-action reports and studies, and then legislative, regulatory and organizational changes that followed. Amy Sebring: Claire Rubin: The next slide provides a close up of the Legend box, which is a partial snapshot of the legislation and organizations displayed in the Disaster Time Line. Claire Rubin: Amy, Slide 3 please. Amy Sebring: Claire Rubin: By way of background, the choice of 1965 as the year to begin the Disaster Time Line was somewhat arbitrary, but we thought it was essential to show that many laws, regulations, Claire Rubin: organizations dealing hazards and disasters at the federal level existed prior to the formation of both FEMA and EPA..... Claire Rubin: Additionally, this time frame allows one to see the origins and the evolution of both the Federal Response Plan and the National Contingency Plan. Claire Rubin: On the slide you will see a close up of a middle slice of the chart (years 1976-82). Claire Rubin: Amy, Slide 4 please. Amy Sebring: Claire Rubin: We anticipate a wide array of potential users. Initially, we assumed that the primary audience would be instructors and students of emergency management.... Claire Rubin: Amy, Slide 5 please. Amy Sebring: Amy Sebring: Looks like we have lost Claire temporarily Amy Sebring: While we wait for her to get back ... Amy Sebring: I will put up the first overview slide again for those who missed it .... Amy Sebring: Irmak Tanali: Hello everybody! Amy Sebring: Hello Irmak ... Amy Sebring: here is Claire. Claire Rubin: Sorry, I got cut off. Amy Sebring: Please resume where you were Claire. Claire Rubin: As we proceeded with documenting numerous events and key legislation and regulations, we sought advice from a variety of expert reviewers.... Claire Rubin: To date, about 20 people (practitioners, consultants, and academics) have reviewed the chart for accuracy of content. We continue to welcome suggestions regarding content and Claire Rubin: readability... Next slide please Amy Amy Sebring: Claire Rubin: In conversations with the reviewers, it became clear that public practitioners and consultants in emergency management also thought the Disaster Time Line would be useful to them and their colleagues. We think it would be of interest to: Claire Rubin: professors and students of emergency management, consultants who need to brief clients lacking history or context for some emergency preparedness decisions.... Claire Rubin: practitioners with junior staff who lack knowledge of major formative disasters and their outcomes, and ... Claire Rubin: anyone interested in disasters and their effects. Claire Rubin: We think the Major Features of this chart are: Claire Rubin: (1) The complex web of major disaster events and outcomes for the past few decades becomes much clearer when the interactions are shown graphically .... Claire Rubin: (2) The colorful graphic presentation provides a comprehensive view of disaster history, and the information is more likely to be remembered .... Claire Rubin: (3) Most books and other documents cover either natural or technological hazards/disasters, but the Disaster Time Line features both types for each of the 35 years depicted Claire Rubin: (4) After seeing the major disaster events and their ramifications in U.S. emergency management history, certain political and policy outcomes become more obvious, and .... Claire Rubin: (5) It helps to "level the playing field" for young employees and persons not born in the U.S. It highlights key events and outcomes, which they can then research further. Claire Rubin: The Disaster Time Line is not meant to be a stand-alone document. For in-depth understanding of the events it lists and the relationships indicated, it is essential to combine Claire Rubin: it with various books and other documents. We think it would be a useful adjunct to many texts in the hazards or emergency management fields. Claire Rubin: In conclusion, the Disaster Time Line will go to printing later this week, and then we will distribute it. Since we developed this Claire Rubin: product at our own cost and on our own time, we have to charge a fee for it. Claire Rubin: For more information, go to our website: www.disaster- Claire Rubin: Please welcome my colleague , Irmak Tanali Claire Rubin: Thank you. Amy Sebring: Yes, we are glad to have Irmak join us today .Thank you Claire. We will now take some questions, comments, feedback from our audience here with us today. Amy Sebring: Perhaps Irmak can answer some questions as well ... Irmak Tanali: Greetings everybody, thank you for coming. Amy Sebring: Reminder, if you have a question or comment, please indicate by inputting a question mark (?) to the chat screen. Then compose your question but WAIT until you are recognized; then hit Enter or Send. David King: ? Amy Sebring: Claire, I think you are going to have to put up the price? Claire Rubin: $20. which includes postage Amy Sebring: thanks. David please. David King: Is there supporting documentation (thumbnails) to go with each box on the chart…so you don’t have to research each item individually just to know a little about it? Claire Rubin: Not yet; we have that in mind for the future. Ava Moore: ? Amy Sebring: Avagene please. Amy Sebring: ? Ava Moore: I am impressed with the timeline, Claire .. Ava Moore: wonder if I might want to use it when addressing our counterparts in Italy next month. Is it possible to get a copy that quickly if I order from you today or tomorrow? Claire Rubin: thanks -- it presents months of hard work! Ava Moore: I would need it by Sept 28. Claire Rubin: I should mention that Anita Kellogg and ICF Consulting are going to help us with the printing. Claire Rubin: It should be printed quite soon. Amy Sebring: Comment: since you have depicted the technological hazards well, I would think that LEPC's would find this useful also... Claire Rubin: I hope so. Amy Sebring: and it is not just junior staff that this could be used for ... Ava Moore: ? Russell Coile: ? Amy Sebring: I can see it as a briefing tool for electeds, etc. Claire Rubin: Actually, some quite senior people at EPA liked it. Amy Sebring: Avagene please. Ava Moore: Just a comment. I can picture this on the wall in my office. I believe it would be a very useful reference. Amy Sebring: Russell please. Claire Rubin: Great. We will be glad to provide you with one, or more. Russell Coile: Is it possible to look for glaring omissions of follow-up action by Congress, EPA, NWS… Russell Coile: etc after some Big disaster? Claire Rubin: That is a good point. From the chart you will see that sometimes it takes almost a decade to achieve action. Barbara Sims: ? Amy Sebring: Barbara please. Claire Rubin: And some disasters have had an intellectual impact, but the direct affect on legislation and policy does not show. Barbara Sims: Does the flood insurance cover coastal home damage from hurricanes? Claire Rubin: Not sure what you mean. Amy Sebring: Barbara, there is extensive info on NFIP on the FEMA website. David King: ? Amy Sebring: I do not believe it covers wind damage. David please. David King: I can also see a spin-off for you…if it were made available as a series of overhead transparencies or PowerPoint slides for instructional purposes Russell Coile: ? Claire Rubin: Very good idea. I hope Irmak catches that! Amy Sebring: Russell please. Russell Coile: Comment: I think you have done a fantastic job. Amy Sebring: ? Claire Rubin: Thank you very much. Amy Sebring: Claire, can you tell us your plans for future updates? Irmak Tanali: Thank you David. Irmak Tanali: Thank you Russell. Claire Rubin: Future Plans: Claire Rubin: 1) Annual Revision. This is the first version of a planned annual publication. In the year 2000, we expect that many new events and outcomes will present themselves. We expect to do the next revision by Sept. 2000. Claire Rubin: (2) Explanatory Text. We are considering writing an explanatory text in order to (a) to provide some brief descriptions of events and the likely causal relationships between events and outcomes; (b) refer the reader to recommended readings, for further explanation of events and outcomes; and (c) to provide web links for additional information. Claire Rubin: We would appreciate feedback on these ideas. Amy Sebring: ? David King: ? Amy Sebring: I think this is suitable for framing, and you might consider selling the frame! Amy Sebring: David please. David King: I like everything you've presented...I can really see it being useful in explaining to non-EMA types Claire Rubin: I think that is true. We initially had it aimed at students in our intro course. Amy Sebring: Other questions, comments? Amy Sebring: Claire, as you laid this out ... Anita Kellogg: ? Amy Sebring: did anything in particular strike you about policy development ... Amy Sebring: you mentioned the ten year lag time ... Amy Sebring: was there anything else in particular you noticed that might not have occurred to you before? Claire Rubin: The first impression is one of how reactive we have been in designing laws and policies to deal with emergency management. Ava Moore: ? Tom Hale: ? Amy Sebring: as opposed to pro-active? Claire Rubin: The other impression is that we are at a rather critical junction right now as we approach the year 2000. Claire Rubin: The FRP has been changed drastically, and Y2K is almost upon us. Amy Sebring: Anita please. Anita Kellogg: I really have more of a comment, or complement.....ICF Consulting is exciting about sponsoring this timeline because it is a tool we all need in the business...I agree with Claire entirely that the timeline shows a reactive government. Ann Willis: ? David King: ? Amy Sebring: Avagene please. Ava Moore: Your explanatory text could be a most comprehensive document, especially with references to research, etc. I am struck once again by how reactive this business has been and still is! Do you have a desire to perhaps make people change their ways of looking at disaster problems? Ava Moore: A wakeup call, shall we say? Claire Rubin: Our intent was to display and explain history; the policy implications are for others to act on! Amy Sebring: Tom please. Tom Hale: I think the increasing role of NGOs and Volunteer groups would be of value Claire Rubin: The problem with a chart is that there is limited space and a severe limit to text you can use. Amy Sebring: Ann please. Amy Sebring: ? Ann Willis: Can you notice any impacts from FEMA's emphasis on mitigation in the time line? Claire Rubin: No, not really. Someone at Colorado said, if FEMA was formed in 1979, why have we had all these expensive disasters since then. Amy Sebring: Perhaps that chapter remains to be written Ann. David King please. David King: We have a fire dept. training officer with a sign in his office that says "Wanted, one volunteer to die a needless, senseless avoidable death to justify a good training program!" Your chart shows how as a society we validate that view on a regular basis and are so "reactive" instead of proactive. Claire Rubin: That is quite a sign. Amy Sebring: Claire, do you have any plans to go back further in time someday? I am thinking in particular of the 40's and 50's. Amy Sebring: Since I was a mere child in the 50s! Claire Rubin: At the moment, I do not. It could be done, though Amy Sebring: Any last question? Amy Sebring: I would like to add my compliments to Irmak on the graphics. Irmak Tanali: Thank you. Amy Sebring: I can also see this on CD Rom with links to the thumbnails etc. Amy Sebring: Claire, any last word you would like to add? Claire Rubin: The idea is to have a hypertext link to each event and major action resulting. Claire Rubin: Many thanks to you all for the opportunity to chat about this new product. Amy Sebring: Thank you very much Claire, and thank you audience. We will have a text transcript posted later today, and a reformatted version early next week with links to the slides. You can access these via the Transcripts link under Quick Picks on our home page. Amy Sebring: And thanks to Irmak also! Amy Sebring: Now for our commercial ... Amy Sebring: If you have not already made a pledge, please see We are about half way to our goal. Amy Sebring: Next week's Round Table on Tuesday, we are pleased to welcome back Rich Diffenbach with NEMA, to update us on their recent annual meeting. We hope to find out about further developments with some of the issues we have been following of importance to local communities in particular. Amy Sebring: Next Wednesday, in the Classroom as part of our continuing hazards series, we will have Marc Levitan, Associate Professor, Louisiana State University talking about wind hazards and their potential effects on chemical plants in hurricane prone areas. Amy Sebring: We will adjourn the session now but you are invited to join us back in the Lobby room for a few more minutes of open discussion and to thank our guests. Amy Sebring: Great job Claire, thank you. Claire Rubin: thank you for the technical support!