August 15, 1997 Panel Discussion

Do we need a standard classification system of resources, to facilitate coordination between organizations, during response and initial recovery phases?


Live Chat Summary
Download Transcript
Download NERIN Disaster Services Taxonomy
(Microsoft Word 6.0/322K)

Friday - August 15, 1997 - 12:00 Noon (EDT)

The EIIP Virtual Forum presented its first live chat event on Friday, August 15, 1997, 12:00 Noon (EDT) with the following as the monthly Feature Topic:

Do we need a standard classification system of resources, to facilitate coordination between organizations, during response and initial recovery phases?

The question about a classification system or taxonomy of resources was discussed by a panel of distinguished speakers in an online chat event hosted by the all-new EIIP Virtual Forum ( The speakers for August were:

  • Business Sector -- John Copenhaver, IBM Business Recovery Services
  • Academic Sector -- John C. Pine, Associate Professor, LSU
  • Volunteer Sector -- Georgia Sales, INFO LINE of Los Angelels and NERIN
  • Government Sector -- Leon Shaifer, Deputy Director MS EMA, EMAC

Two moderators were used for the chat session. One moderated the speakers while one moderated the audience. The audience viewed the discussion of the panelists until the floor was open for interaction between the speakers and the audience. Questions and comments from the audience went to the moderator who forwarded to the panelists as appropriate.

At the peak of the panel discussion, there were 23 people in the EIIP Panel Room.

The Panelists' Discussion:

The discussion was planned as an introductory type dialogue to bring various perspectives together to start an exploration of the stated subject. The transcript of the chat demonstrates that our objective was accomplished because the speakers were not aware of the work being done in all quarters. The speakers expressed interest in sharing and studying the Taxonomy Model by the National Emergency Response Information Network (NERIN) and classification efforts by EMAC, as well as any other similar projects that may be underway.

Audience reaction was similar in that some were unaware of the classification efforts underway and voiced questions about how they might learn more about the projects and products mentioned. All of the comments from the audience were in favor of pursuing further discussion about a standard classification/taxonomy of resources.

Follow Up to the Live Chat Discussion:

  • The transcript of the chat event is on the EIIP Virtual Forum site for reading and downloading.

  • The Disaster Services section of the NERIN Taxonomy is now available via the EIIP

  • The Architecture & Content and Discussion Forum Work Groups are pursuing the best method to continue and expand upon this month's Feature Topic.Virtual Forum for downloading.

Lessons Learned:

  • The chat software requires the latest version of browsers with full JAVA capability for those who wish to participate fully in the EIIP Virtual Forum chat sessions.

  • A gatekeeper must be assigned in the EIIP Virtual Forum room of the chat area to assist our audiences who come to join the discussions.

  • Rehearsals are necessary with panelists/speakers prior to the real live event to ensure a level of comfort and proficiency.

  • Written guidelines are needed for speakers, audience, and moderators.

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Virtual Forum Feature Topic Page