Delaware Public Policy Institute presents Economic Growth Policy Forum:
Choices for Delaware: Life and the Economy in 2000 and Beyond

WILMINGTON, DE, OCTOBER 26, 1998 -- The Delaware Public Policy Institute (DPPI) will convene an economic growth policy forum entitled "Choices for Delaware: Life and the Economy in the Year 2000 and Beyond," which is intended to provide public and private decision makers with practical analysis and options for action that will position Delaware for maximum job growth and efficient delivery of government services while ensuring Delaware's future quality of life. The forum will take place from 7:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday November 16 at the University of Delaware's Clayton Hall.

This forum is co-sponsored by the College of Human Resources, Education and Public Policy's Institute for Public Administration at University of Delaware and The News Journal.

This forum will present the results of extensive research conducted over a six-month period by University of Delaware faculty. The forum will also kick off the public input phase of the project. Following the forum, task forces comprised of business, government and community representatives from all three counties will be appointed to review and formulate specific options for future action based upon the research presented. A second forum will take place in May 1999.

In addition to their central role in the review of the issues identified by the forum, and in suggesting actions for the future, the task forces will facilitate continuing public input and promote effective public communication of the information, analyses and recommendations for the project.

The mission of "Choices for Delaware: Life and the Economy in the Year 2000 and Beyond" is to: determine approaches to economic growth that will ensure continued stability for Delaware, minimizing as much as possible any negative aspects of growth; and recommend options for policymakers to pursue regarding infrastructure investment and fiscal planning - taking into consideration the projections of the private sector vis-à-vis the emerging global economy of the year 2000 and beyond.

Cost to attend (including lunch) is $45. Registration deadline is Monday, November 9th. For more information, call DPPI at (302) 655-7908.


For more information, call DPPI at (302) 655-7908