CRJU 110 Introduction to Criminal Justice


Exam II Study Guide


Directions: As before, this guide is not intended to replace a careful reading and studying of chapters 6,7,8,10,11 of the Inciardi Text. Is intended only as a guide to items and concepts should be emphasized during study.  Notice that the guide contains 100 items. 70 of these or similar items will appear on your exam along with 30 TF items drawn from lectures.






Chapter 6

  1. ___________ represent(s) the largest and most visible segment of the criminal justice system.


  2. Structurally, law enforcement in the United States has the characteristic of


  3. The ___________ system organized the community into tithings, hundreds, and shires.


  4. Thief-takers were


  5. ___________ can be credited with laying the foundation for the first modern police force.


  6. The posse comitatus


  7. The first metropolitan police force in Europe appeared in


  8. Federal law enforcement agencies


  9. The investigative units of the _______________ focus on the forgery and counterfeiting of U.S. currency, checks, bonds, and federal food stamps.


10. In addition to the FBI, the ___________ has legal jurisdiction extending to all federal crimes that are not the specific responsibility of some other federal law enforcement agency.


11. In the years following the Civil War and Reconstruction, the office of the sheriff


12. Auxiliary police reserves


13. Of the following, with which was the FBI associated in one way or another?


14. The FBI was organized because


15. Congress opposed the creation of the FBI because




16. Most police work involves


17. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) data suggests that the largest proportion of police arrest activity relates to such crimes as


18. At the apex of the police peacekeeping role is


19. "Strategic lenience" refers to


20. A police "coop" is a location


21. Which of the following is true about police regulations?


22. The most visible and primary parts of policing are


23. ____________ is the most basic aspect of police work.



24. In a study conducted by the Police Foundation in 1972-73, three different levels of preventive patrol in Kansas City were closely compared. "Normal" patrols involved a single car cruising the streets when not responding to calls; "proactive" patrols involved doubling or tripling the number of cruising cars; "reactive" patrols involved eliminating police cruisers altogether, with police entering the areas designated for study only in response to specific requests. The results of the Kansas City experiment showed that


25. The ambiguous character of police response to domestic dispute situations appears to originate in


26. Which of the following is most true of detectives?


27. A crime is considered "cleared" when


28. Detectives more typically focus their energies on assault and rape cases, as opposed to burglary and theft cases, because


29. Detectives find most crimes difficult to solve because



30. "Multiple clearance" occurs when


31. An "exceptional clearance," in police terminology, occurs when


32. The most controversial of the special approaches to crime control are the


33. "Sting" operations involve the use of various undercover methods to


34. Studies of police discretionary behavior indicate that the most significant factor in the decision to arrest is the


35. Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding police discretion?




36. The arrest powers of police include


37. The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from


38. ____________ refers to facts or apparent facts that are reliable and generate a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed.


39. As a result of the Supreme Court's decision in Aguilar v. Texas (1964) and Spinelli v. United States (1969),


40. If a citizen suffers an unlawful arrest,


41. The issue in Terry v. Ohio was the legal status of


42. The ____________ held that an automobile or other vehicle may, upon probable cause, be searched without a warrant even though in a given situation there might be time to obtain one.



43. The Supreme Court's ruling in Delaware v. Prouse held that the actions of the arresting officer were violative of Prouse's ____________ Amendment rights.


44. Although warrantless search of a premises is limited by Fourth Amendment interpretations, it is permitted, under certain conditions, when


45. The Fourth Amendment does not protect persons against searches and seizures by


46. Harris v. United States established the

47. According to the "plain view" doctrine,


48. Warrantless searches may be undertaken by law enforcement officers when the person in control of the area or object consents to a search. However, in the opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court,


49. The exclusionary rule was established in federal cases with


50. Wolf v. Colorado dealt with


51. The exclusionary rule was extended to the states in


52. The significance of Chimel v. California was that it


53. The retreat from Mapp began with


54. Involuntary confessions are prohibited by the ____________ Amendment.


55. The assistance of counsel is guaranteed by the ____________ Amendment.


56. The forced confessions in Brown v. Mississippi were treated by the Supreme Court as a(n) ____________ Amendment issue.


57. The decision in Escobedo v. Illinois held that


58. The Supreme Court holding in _____________ stated that the guarantee of due process requires that suspects in police custody be informed of their right to remain silent, that anything they say may be used against them, and that they have the right to counsel before any questioning can take place.


59. The Supreme Court's "retreat from Miranda" occurred under the leadership of


60. The search warrant





61. The ____________ court system in the United States is characterized by court structures at both the state and federal levels.


62. The mixture of name, functions, and types that characterize state court structures seems to have resulted from the fact that


63. The lowest level courts in the state court structure are the courts of ____________ jurisdiction.


64. Courts of limited jurisdiction are the entry point for


65. The "jurisdiction" of a court refers to


66. Courts of general jurisdiction


67. The most neglected of the state courts seem to be those of ____________ jurisdiction.


68. The trial ____________ is a new trial, on appeal from a lower court to a court of general jurisdiction.


69. The problems of the lower courts stem from


70. The goals of dedicated drug treatment courts include


71. Trial courts are "courts of record" because


72. More than half the states have a four-tier rather than a three-tier court system. This additional tier is generally at the ____________ level.


73. The most pressing issue in court reform is


74. Historically, U.S. commissioners were the federal counterparts of state


75. Currently in the federal judiciary, the U.S. commissioners


76. Which of the following is not within the authority of U.S. magistrates?


77. The U.S. district courts were created by the


78. The U.S. district courts are the federal courts of ____________ jurisdiction.


79. There are a total of ____________ judicial circuits in the federal system.


80. In Marbury v. Madison, the U.S. Supreme Court




81. Which of the following is not a function of trial judges?


82. Although all federal judges are nominated by the president, they must also be confirmed by the


83. The Missouri Plan is a mechanism suggested by the American Bar Association for


84. Peru's system of "faceless" judges was originally introduced to


85. The ____________ is the top law enforcement authority of a community.


86. At the most general level, the responsibilities of the prosecutor include enforcing the law and


87. The ______________ is a formal entry into the record declaring an unwillingness to prosecute a case.


88. George F. Cole's study of prosecutors found that


89. It is generally believed that almost 90 percent of all criminal convictions involve


90. It is the responsibility of the ____________ to maintain order in the courtroom.


91. The ____________ witness can present, as evidence, the result of an investigation that led to the arrest of the accused.


92. The decision whether someone qualifies as an expert witness for the defense is made by


93. The right to counsel is guaranteed by the ____________ Amendment.


94. The case of the ____________ reached the U.S. Supreme Court in Powell v. Alabama.


95. The decision in ____________ established that a defendant has the right to counsel at trial whenever he may be imprisoned for any offense, whether it be a felony or a misdemeanor.


96. Argersinger v. Hamlin, decided in 1972 by a unanimous vote, held that


97. A defense attorney's most intensive efforts for the accused occur


98. Criminal law is a field that


99. In the "lawyerÄclient confidence game" described by Abraham S. Blumberg, the defense attorney works not only for the client, but also for the



100. The role of the defense attorney is to