List of Example Web Applications


Books (retailers)


Performing Arts



Note about the "brief stories" listed here

These "brief stories" are not intended to be complete descriptions of the functional capabilities of each of these sites. In fact, for most of these sites, a complete description of all the capabilities of the site in "story" form would go on for pages and pages. I've just given a "starting point" to give a general idea about the site, and give you an idea of "how to start" when developing stories for your own site.

The idea is also this: if you were to sit down and develop a "competing" site from scratch, where would you start? What basic functionality would you develop "first" to get a prototype up and running?

For example, with IMDB, my story lists only that you can search by actor, movie title. In fact, you can do dozens of other types of searches as well. For my brief story, though, I've limited the search types to actors and titles to keep the story short.


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