CISC474, P01, 07S
Survey of Web Sites and Web Technologies
This activity has several goals
- It should prompt you to think about ways in which web sites are used to deliver dynamic content.
- It should get you started with thinking about what kind of web apps you are interested in building
- It should introduce you to the idea of using "stories" which is an important part of the software development methodology known as "eXtreme Programming".
- It will help introduce you to some of your classmates, to the wireless laptops, and how PBL works
What you need to do (short version)
- Introduce yourself to your fellow team members
- Get at least one laptop for your table, and point it at the online version of this web page.
- In another web browser window, one group member should log on to WebCT, find the site for CISC474, find the "discussions" link, and go to the discussion marked "P01". Start by making a simple posting with your group number, and the names, userids, and "playing cards" corresponding to the members of your group.
- Below, there is a list of web sites along with
- example "stories" for that site (details on what a "story" means are listed below.)
- clues about what technologies are used on that site.
You are asked to add at least two sites to the list along with examples "stories" and if possible some clues about what technologies are used (details below). You'll post your answers on WebCT on the discussion board marked P01.
Note that you should periodically check what other groups have posted. If you post a site that some other group has posted "first", then your "later" posting won't count towards your total of two.
Why we are doing this
The web sites you submit will be added to the a list on the course web site. We will use this list of web sites throughout the semester to find examples of where and how particular technologies are used.
We will use these web sites as springboards to launch our own ideas about building web sites
We will use these web sites "stories" in ways that will become apparently later.
The list of web sites to get you started is at:
This list has some example stories, and lists what technologies are used on various sites. The section at the bottom has some advice on keeping the stories short.
Writing stories
- Keep your story simple and "high level" for now. You can elaborate on it later.
- Don't get bogged down in details such as colors and fonts, how the screen is laid out, or what fields will be in a database. Concentrate on what the website does for the end user, and what the end user's experience is. What happens first? What happens second? What happens third?
A story has a beginning, a middle, and an end.
- NOT A STORY: A "web site for looking up football scores"
- A STORY: "A user wants to know the record for a particular NFL Team in a particular year. The user supplies the name of the team, and the year of the season. The web site response with a list of all regular season games, and all post-season games. For each game, the following information is provided: who the opponent was, whether the game was home or away, the date of the game, and the final score."
How do you know what technologies are used?
Here are some clues. Don't get too bogged down in this though: I'm more interested in the stories today. I ask you to look for the technologies mainly to get you thinking about the topics we'll cover in this course, and how widely they are used in the "real world."
Clues to Server Side technologies:
- If you see .jsp in the URL, then the site probably uses Java Servlets and JSPs on the server side
- If you see .asp in the URL, then the site probably users ASP.NET (a Microsoft technology) on the server side
- If you see .php in the URL, then the site probably users PHP (a Perl-based technology) on the server side
- Finally, some sites tell you what technology they use (e.g., in an "about" link).
Clues to Client Side technologies:
Due: Should finish in class, but if you don't, then 3PM Thursday afternoon.
Grading: 100 points
- 50 points per story
- 20 points for originality (Fair: 14, Good: 16, Very Good: 18, Excellent 20)
- 20 points for clarity of story (Fair: 14, Good 16, Very Good: 18, Excellent 20)
- 10 points for identifying technologies used (Fair: 7, Good 8, Very Good 9, Excellent 10)
- Your work must be posted on the WebCT discussion board called P01 to get credit.
- Do not email your submissions to the Instructor or the TA—post them on WebCT.
- You must be the first group to post about a particular web site in order to get credit—the second group to post for a particular web site gets no credit for that site, and must submit another site in its place
Example Criteria for Originiality
- fair (C) a web site that is "just like" one already on the list.
e.g. Delta airlines is on the list, you add USAirways (same story)
- good (B) a web site in an existing category, but with a very different story
(e.g. web site that finds current status, location of all "flights in the air".
- excellent (A) a web site in a completely different category with a "story" unlike all the others.
For example, the list doesn't currently have any sites about "sports". If you are the first group to post a really good sports site (e.g. for looking up scores?) that would be excellent in terms of originality (well, not so much since I just suggested it, but I'll overlook that.)
Example Criteria for Clarity of Stories
- poor (D): The story isn't really a story, with a beginning, middle and end, but just a "general description" of a web site.
- fair (C): The story is only vaguely described. Or, the description is clear, but it is either sloppy, or contains spelling,
punctuation and/or grammar errors that detract from the clarity.
- good (B): The story is mostly clear and described neatly and without errors, but perhaps some point is overlooked; a developer would have to ask more questions, or "read something in" to the story to build a web site from it.
- excellent (A): The story is described with enough clarity that a developer can understand what is needed, and could sit down and build a web site from the description that would provide the user with a satisfying experience.
Questions? Ask me (Prof. Conrad) or your TA (Oana Tudor)!