CISC474, Homework H02, Spring 2007
(Individual component of P02)
This is the individual part of P02—the part you get an individual grade for.
Required: Each team member should spend at least 25 minutes coming up with at least two questions to ask Lou, on the topic of web technologies, and either the technical or business aspects of running a web hosting company.
You should put some thought into these questions—do some reading about Lou himself, about the web hosting business. The best questions are ones that reflect that you "did your homework".
Optional: You may also come up with one "off topic" question to ask Lou, as long as it is not in poor taste.
What is poor taste: In an appearance on MTV, someone from the audience once asked Bill Clinton "boxers or briefs". That's an example of pushing the envelope of good taste. (See Clinton's comments on the incident—they are in the last three paragraphs.)
Where to post your answers:
There is are ten discussion boards on WebCT marked "P02-G01, P02-G02, etc.", one per group. Post your individual answers to this assignment there. You can put both questions in a single posting.
(You may also include your optional question in the same posting if you wish.)
Grading: 20 points
- 10 points for originality (Fair: 7, Good: 8, Very Good: 9, Excellent 10)
- 10 points for clarity of writing (Fair: 7, Good 8, Very Good: 9, Excellent 10)
- Your work must be posted on the WebCT discussion board called P02-Gnn to get credit (where nn) is your group number.
- Do not email your submissions to the Instructor or the TA—post them on WebCT.
Example Criteria for Originality
- fair (C) a very mundane and generic question—one that you could any guest from industry, but isn't really specific to Lou or his business.
- good, very good (B) a question that shows that you did some homework about Lou and/or web technologies.
- excellent (A) a question that uncovers something really surprising.
Example Criteria for Clarity of Questions
- poor (D): It isn't really in the form of a question, or it rambles on.
- fair (C): The person reading or hearing has "figure out" what you mean by the question
- good (B): The question is clear.
- excellent (A): The question is not only clear, but succinct: much meaning, few words, easy to understand.
Due Date: 10:35am, in class, Wed Feb. 14th