CISC Homework H01


In this assignment, get familiar with constructing HTML forms and working with individual parts of the form.

You will use the currency code you have been assigned (e.g. USD, EURO), and convert from that currency to another currency.
Here are a few things that you will need to complete this assignment:


In this assignment, you will:

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Reading

Read the resources listed above to get familiar with JavaScript and DOM objects. Also, study the concurrent chapters in your book to understand control structures (for loops and if statements at bare minimum).

Step 2: Review and study the holes in the code to get familair for what the assignment is asking you to do.

Pay special attention to the converter.js file and how the code calls the initializing functions.
HINT: Studying this file will give you a hint on how to construct your .html file.

Step 3: Proceed with filling in the code in the web page at the locations marked by the indicators below.

Step 4: Proceed with filling in the JavaScript code in the converter.js file marked by the indicators below


Zip all of your files in a .zip file and submit your file on WebCT.

Grading Rubric (60 pts total)

Item Description Points
Required HTML Elements Refer to above references for specifications 20
JavaScript code Your Java code works and is well commented and structured 15
User Friendliness of the Web Page Your web page does not have to be an exact model of the sample. Be Creative. 15
Scripting and Submitting You followed instructions for scripting and submitting 10

Due Date: TBA

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