C03—CISC474, Spring 2007
Java servlet/JSP application: you design it


Proposal Due Code Due Presentation Due Points Group or Individual
100-300 your choice


For this assignment, you implement a webapp using Java Servlets and JSP. The development platform is the clients of Porsche (your own Tomcat server) for the servlet, and either jaguar.cis.udel.edu or cisc474.acad.cis.udel.edu for the MySQL database.


Grading will be based on whether the final product is usable and useful—not on "how hard you worked on it". So, it is important to be modest in what you propose. A very simple, modest application that is useful, written skillfully, and works well will earn more points that a flashy ambitious one that falls on its face. Go for functionality, not flash—but don't negect usability.

Some things that should be true for every Java Servlet/JSP app

It should be possible to take your tarball or zip file, unpack it, go through a straightforward and well-documented configuration step, use Ant to produce a WAR file that can be dropped into Tomcat and be up and running.

Some tips:


Choosing good "phases", each of which is independently useful, is very important. So is doing unit testing, and disciplined version control—be sure to get something simple working first and check it in to the repository before moving on to something more complex, and don't check in broken code!