CISC474, 06S, Participation Grade 2 (P02.html)
HFSJ Ch1 Servlet on Tomcat on Strauss

Parts that were modified on 2/15/06 show up with yellow highlighting.

Due Date/Grading

Assigned Wednesday, Feb 15 2006.
Due Date

Monday Feb 20 2006.


Traditional syllabus: Participaton Grade
(3=check plus, 2=check, 1=check minus, 0 = no credit)


Cumulative Points Syllabus:
20 points towards final course grade.

Required Reading

  1. topics/java/basics/compilingOnStrauss/compilingOnStrauss.txt
  2. topics/tomcat/generalInstallAdvice/sharedInstall.txt
  3. Head First Servlets and JSP (HFSJ), Ch 1


In this assignment, you will:

  1. Make sure your strauss account is configured for Java 5.0.
  2. Setup a Tomcat server on strauss under your home directory.
  3. Deploy the web app from Chapter 1, pages 30, 31 in HFSJ (this is an example of a Servlet).
  4. Demonstrate that your web apps works to your instructor or TA (during lecture, instructor or TA office hours).

Step 1: Configure your account for Java 5.0

You need to have your account properly configured for Java 5.0 in order to be able to use Tomcat. See the following file for instructions:


Step 2: Setup a Tomcat server on strauss

The steps to set up a Tomcat server on strauss are provided in the file:


Step 3: Deploy the web app from HFSJ pp 30-31

You'll need p. 30-31 of your textbook. You should also look at the reading notes for p.30 and p.31 which offer some advice on how to tailor the instructions p. 30-31 to the environment on strauss.

To show that this is your web app, modify the app just slightly: change the lines that says:

   out.println("<html>" +

to say:

   out.println("<html><head><title>Fred's Ch1 Servlet</title></head>" + 

except, put your name, not Fred. Unless your name is Fred. You may also modify the part that says HF\'s Chapter 1 Servlet inside the <h1> element to be Fred\'s Chapter 1 Servlet if you like.

Step 4: Demo your servlet to your instructor/TA

We'll give you some time in class during the next several class periods in which you can do this. Consult the course calendar for details. You can also demo your servlet during Oana's office hours, and Prof. Conrad's office hours. (In fact, if you are free and can stop by one of our office hours we'd appreciate that, since it will save us some time during class, and we'll have more time to get to know you better.

Or, you can just send us an email with subject line "CISC474 P02" and the URL of your app in the body.; we'll know its yours because of the name in the Title bar. Once we've noted that it is working, we'll send a return email inviting you to shutdown your server (to conserve CPU cycles on strauss.. that "funny money" that shows up when you log in.)

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