H03 CISC474, 06S
Update your H02 submission in the following ways:
- Instead of a model class with hard coded values (similar to the BeerExpert.java file in HFSJ Chapter 3), write a BeerExpert.java class that looks up the information from a database.
- Note that you may have to pass in parameters such as "user", "password", "driver", etc. into the constructor for your BeerExpert class from inside the controller, since you can't access the ServletContext object inside the model class directly. This is a kludgy solution—I'm still looking for a clean example of an MVC app that accesses a database from the Model.
- Submit your code as a gzipped TAR file that contains a build.xml file, and global properties file and a README.txt file explaining how to get your application up and running (e.g. anything that needs to be modified in the global.properties file and/or the web.xml file including usernames, passwords, etc.) and any bootstrapping of the SQL tables that needs to be done.
- The bootstrapping of the SQL tables can be done from either a script (i.e. a text file containing SQL commands) or from a Servlet included for that purpose.
- The build.xml file should include the following targets:
- echo a menu of targets by default. Among those targets should be ones that
- compile the code,
- build a WAR file,
- build Javadoc
- clean out the development environment of everything not in the original ta
Due: 11:55pm, Wednesday May 10th.
Points: 100 points toward the "required" part of your final grade.
Submit your gzipped TAR file via WebCT by 11:55pm Wednesday May 10th.
Late submissions accepted through 11:55pm Thursday May 11th with 4% penalty
Late submissions accepted through 11:55pm Friday May 12th with 16% penalty
After that, no submissions accepted.