CISC474 Group Activity A08 (Spring 2006)

This is a follow on to A06 and A07

What is included in A08

Building a full Model-View-Controller webapp that can take the following input:

and produce the following output:

The model classes should be the ones that you developed as part of A06 and A07.


  1. A WAR file that contains everything needed to run your webapp—someone downloading this WAR file should be able to just drop it into a Tomcat "webapps" directory, stop and restart Tomcat, and have the webapp be "up and running" on that Tomcat server.
  2. A tar or zip file that contains
  3. JavaDoc documentation
  4. A general description of the project
  5. Documentation of each team members role
  6. A web page, linked to from your group's web page with the link A08, that allows users to download

Additional requirements

Your build.xml file should

More information about WAR files can be found at topics/java/deployment/warFiles including an example:

To the extent possible, your XHTML pages should validate, and have a link on them to the validator web site. This is not possible with some JSP output, so do the best you can—even there, do your best to produce valid XHTML.

More detail on the "general description"

This does not have to be elaborate or long. It should be at least a few sentences that explain your overall approach to the project, focusing on what makes your version different from that of the other groups, e.g.

Think of it this way:

You can include diagrams if it helps (e.g. make pictures and save as .gif, .jpg., or .png).

More detail on documenting team member's roles (repeated unchanged from A07)

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