CISC474, A03, Group Web Page, User Interface

This is a group activity—it will probably take both Monday and Wednesday's class to complete totally, but get as much done as you can today. (At least Steps 1,2 and 3).

What you will do (overview)

  1. Choose a webmaster for this activity, make a simple group web page, and post the URL to a discussion board on WebCT (details below)

  2. Find at least one hour of time during the week when all members of your group are free and can can get together outside of class to work on CISC474 assignments. If possible find two such hours on two different days. If it is not possible, document this. Post the results of this discussion to your group web page. (Think too about whether any "web tools" could make finding these common available times any easier—either existing web tools, or ones you might design yourselves. Though writing about that is not required for today's assignment, I will ask you about that in a future assignment.)

  3. As a group, review all the individual submissions your group made in A01. Choose one story from one of them for which you can design a user interface in XHTML (i.e. what the actual <form> element will contain (e.g. the textboxes, buttons, menus, etc.)

  4. Using that story as a guide Code that "mock-up" of a user interface, and a mock-up of the "next screen" that would come back (filled with hard coded 'fake results' for now). (Details below)

Step 1 Detail: Making a basic group web page

  1. Choose one of the 3 or 4 group members to be the webmaster for this activity. You might pick that person because he/she has his/her own laptop, or becuase he/she is quick with the editor and is comfortable with HTML. Even better is if she/he has read Chapter 2 in the assigned reading in Sebesta (or at the very least, owns a copy of the book and can look at it later!)

  2. Your webmaster will create a web page for the group under his/her own web space on copland/strauss. The URL should be:

    The web page should contain

    Note: At a later stage, you'll be asked to make sure your page validates as clean XHTML 1.1, so if you know how to do that from the start, so much the better. If you did your reading in Sebesta Chapter 2, you should know how to do that. Otherwise, just write any old HTML you know how to write, and you can clean it up later.

  3. When steps 1 and 2 are finished, post to the discussion board on WebCT (one posting per group) with your groups number in the subject line, and the URL of your groups A03 web page in the body.

Detail for Step 4

Code that "mock-up" of a user interface, and a mock-up of the "next screen" that would come back (filled with hard coded 'fake results' for now). For now, the form will have a method attribute of either "POST" or "GET"; you can make an arbitrary choice for now; later on, you'll be asked to make a more informed choice (after reading Chapter 4 in HFSJ). Make the action attribute blank for now.

Create a directory ~useridOfWebmaster/public_html/cisc474/A03/ and put the .html files under there. Make links to them from your groups A03.html web page. You may give the HTML files any names you like.

If necessary, refine the story first—if there is some detail missing, fill in that detail. We are not interested in details such as font and color, but we are interested in exactly what information the user provides, and exactly what information comes back. As part of your story, give a specific example of the choices the user makes on the user interface, and the contents of the screen that comes back as an answer.

Grading: 40 points for each participating group member upon successful completion.

Valid XHTML 1.1 Valid CSS!