activity01.txt P. Conrad for CISC474, Spring 2006

Survey of Web Sites and Web Technologies


This activity will several goals

What you need to do (short version)

  1. Introduce yourself to your fellow team members
  2. Get at least one laptop for your table, and point it at the online version of this web page.
  3. In another web browser window, one group member should log on to WebCT, find the site for CISC474, find the "discussions" link, and go to the discussion marked "A01". Start by making a simple posting with your group number, and the names and userids of the members of your group.
  4. Below, there is a list of web sites along with

    You are asked to add at least two sites to the list along with examples "stories" and if possible some clues about what technologies are used (details below). You'll post your answers on WebCT.

    Note that you should periodically check what other groups have posted. If you post a site that some other group has posted "first", then your "later" posting won't count towards your total of two.

  5. Once your group has two new web sites (with stories) with whatever time is remaining (if any), as individuals come up with your own "story" for a web site that you think would be interesting to develop, and post that idea to WebCT. [If we run out of time to do this in class, you'll be asked to do this as homework, sometime between now and 1PM Thursday]. See below for more detail.

Why we are doing this

  1. The web sites you submit will be added to the list on the course web site. We will use this list of web sites throughout the semester to find examples of where and how particular technologies are used.

  2. We will use these web sites as springboards to launch our own ideas about building web sites

  3. We will use these web sites "stories" in ways that will become apparently later (I have to keep "some" mysteries to myself to maintain the sense of drama... ha ha ha...)


The list of web sites is at:

This list has some example stories, and lists what technologies are used on various sites. The section at the bottom has some advice on keeping the stories short.

Criteria: how will the web site selection and stories be graded?

The web sites you come up with will be graded on originality and clarity: how well you explain the story.



How do you know what technologies are used?

Here are some clues. Don't get too bogged down in this though: I'm more interested in the stories today. I ask you to look for the technologies mainly to get you thinking about the topics we'll cover in this course, and how widely they are used in the "real world."

Clues to Server Side technologies:

Clues to Client Side technologies:

Developing your own story

Questions? Ask me (Prof. Conrad) or your TA (Oana Tudor)!

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