Top Things to Try when your Tomcat has Trouble (TTTTT)

  1. Are you on the right "client" of Porsche when doing startup/shutdown (e.g. honda, acura, etc.) instead of Porsche?

  2. Is your web.xml file syntax valid?

  3. Do you have exactly one Tomcat process running, on the correct port? Does anyone else have your port tied up?

  4. Check the logs files under $CATALINA_BASE/logs. Use "\rm *.log" to clean out the directory before you restart.

  5. Put the following in your Servlet Java code to generate output in the log files. (Note: there are better ways to do logging with, for example, log4j, but this is a quick and dirty way to find a problem without dealing with that whole learning curve):

    System.out.println("FOO DEBUG: myVariable=" + myVariable); 