
This is a quick web page for anyone that uses the copy of Maven-2.0.3 that is istalled on po rsche for any future classes. Maven is installed on in /porsche/bin/mavan-2.0.3 It is owned by nobody and nogroup so anyone may use/modify it in the future. I have run it on porsche to get the basic plugins for it (more on this in a second). The one problem with it is that when run, Maven picks a random port to assign itself to. Much of th e time, this port is one that porsche automatically forwards to its nodes, making maven unuseable. If this could be rectified by assigning Maven a different port range it could be used without proble m.


Maven Homepage

A Maven Tutorial that I followed to get started.

Another Maven tutorial off of Apache's site

Unfortunately, I did not get very far with Maven because of the port problem above that was not able to be addressed this semester. It seems to be much more robust then ant as well as easier to use once it gets set up and you know the basics.