Getting started with Ant. Do you know what Ant is? ======================== If you don't know what ant is, read "backgroundAboutAnt.txt" first. Acknowledgements ================ Much of the material here is adapted from: Getting ready to use Ant on strauss =================================== Before we can start using Ant, we have to make sure we can find the "ant" command. I've installed Ant in the following directory on strauss: /www/htdocs/CIS/software/dist/apache-ant-1.6.5/ So on strauss, you'd need to add the following to your .localenv file to make Ant work for you: if -d /www/htdocs/CIS/software/dist/apache-ant-1.6.5 then setenv ANT_HOME /www/htdocs/CIS/software/dist/apache-ant-1.6.5 setenv NEWPATH $ANT_HOME/bin:$NEWPATH endif See my notes in the file topics/java/compilingOnStrauss for hints about making the .localenv file work on strauss. For bash, use (according to something like the following. export ANT_HOME=/www/htdocs/CIS/software/dist/apache-ant-1.6.5 export JAVA_HOME=/usr/jdk1.5 export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin Creating your first ant build file ================================== We'll work with the file We'll set up a file called "build.xml", which is the default name for an ant "build file". Note that we have no class file in our directory before we type "ant". Afterwards, we do! > ls backgroundAboutAnt.txt build.xml gettingStartedWithAnt.txt > ant Buildfile: build.xml compile: [javac] Compiling 1 source file BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 4 seconds > ls HelloWorld.class backgroundAboutAnt.txt gettingStartedWithAnt.txt build.xml Then, if we type ant again, note that magically, "nothing happens". Ant is smart enough to realize that we don't need to recompile, because we haven't changed anything. > ant Buildfile: build.xml compile: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2 seconds > Then, we make a change to, and re do the ant command: > emacs > ant Buildfile: build.xml compile: [javac] Compiling 1 source file BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 5 seconds > And, we magically recompile. Now, let's make it more interesting by creating a jar file too. (Read up on jar files in topics/java/deployment/jarFiles if you don't know about jar files yet!) New contents of build.xml: References and further reading ============================== References: For more Ant tutorials from the same source: A good overview of how to use Ant in practice: