Background about Ant What is Ant? =========== Basically, Ant is very similar to the "make" utility that is familiar to anyone who has ever done C or C++ programming using a Makefile. That is, it allows you to automate the process of recompiling only the minimal parts of your project that _need_ to be recompiled, and then deploying the finished product whereever it is supposed to go. You may be used to doing: > make > make install With Ant, the analogous thing you do is: > ant deploy The Ant folks say: "Apache Ant is a Java-based build tool. In theory, it is kind of like make, without make's wrinkles." (source: Differences between Ant and Make ================================ My take on it: (1) Based on XML The "make" utility has its own strange little language for writing Makefiles with its oddities of syntax (e.g. tabs not spaces, etc.) Ant uses XML. (Granted, XML is also a strange little language, but at least it is one with a familiar syntax, and one that, once you learn it, is used in LOTS of different applications, not just in one.) (2) Built in Java for Java Ant has built in rules for doing lots of cool things related to Java, and technologies associated with Java. Ant has over seventy built in "tasks" which all relate to Java development, such as compiling, building jar files, deploying, running unit tests, etc. (3) Integrated with other software development technologies Ant is integrated into various Java "Integrated Development Environments" (IDEs) including Eclipse, IDEA, NetBeans, jEdit, JBuilder, and others. (See: ) And, in addition to the built in tasks, there are "tasks" that have been added to Ant for both open source and proprietary technologies such as various source control systems, Microsoft .NET, and so forth. You can also read what the Ant folks say about Ant here: Can Ant replace make entirely? Will it? ======================================== Supposedly, you can also use Ant to automate your C and C++ tasks as well, i.e. Ant could entirely replace "make". Though I haven't looked into this, I have no reason to doubt that it is true. However, I'm skeptical---not about whether Ant _could_ replace make, but about whether it _will_. There is probably enough inertia behind "make" and "Makefiles" (and related technologies such as autoconf, the system for "./configure" scripts) that they are unlikely to disappear soon. In the meantime, computing professionals will probably have to be familiar with both. Ant Trivia (these things would not be on an exam) =========== According to the O'Reilly book "Ant: The Definitive Guide": (1) Ant is an acronym for "Another Neat Tool" (2) Version 2.0 of Ant is expected to be _not_ backwards compatible with Versions 1.x, so a tool will be provided to convert 1.x build.xml files to 2.0 format.