This file is topics/java/deployment/ant/gettingStarted/antBasicConcepts.txt P. Conrad, 01/06/06 Necessary background ===================== Read "backgroundAboutAnt.txt" and "gettingStartedWithAnt.txt", also in the topics/java/deployment/ant/gettingStarted/ directory before reading this file. XML concepts: The Ant "build.xml" file is an XML file. So you need to be familiar with XML concepts such as "element", "attribute", "open tag", "close tag" "self-closing tag", and "properly nested" before continuing. Optional background: Since many readers may be familiar with the Make utility under Unix, but are just learning Ant, I will make reference to Make at various times. Readers not familiar with Make can just skip these references. Conventions used ================ We'll say things like "An Ant file contains exactly one element". Strictly speaking, in XML terminology, this is wrong, because is actually an open tag, not an element. The element is the whole thing: some content By convention though, it is more convenient to refer to elements by their open tag name, especially in plain text. That way, the signal the reader that we are talking about an XML element. The quick version ================= You need to know, at a minimum, about three XML elements used in the build.xml file: , and . A build.xml file contains a single element. A element can contain several elements. Each element can contain several elements. elements actually "do stuff" like compiling, making a jar file, running a Junit test, or echoing some text to the screen. In all, there are over 70 task elements built into Ant for doing all sorts of useful things related to Java development. You'll only need to learn a handful of these to get started, and can learn the others as/when you need them. The two most basic tasks are: Compile the java code in the source directory (in this case "." signifying the current directory). Write some text out to the screen. Hi Mom! I'm compiling my app!!! A helpfile of tasks is here: Important required attributes: Typing "ant" alone on command line fires off "foo" [Note: older documentation says that the default attribute is required. Apparently, in recent versions it is not required.] Every target has to have a name. Important optional attributes This says that the targets compile, test and makeJar should all be done first before the target "all", and that "compile and test" should be done before "makeJar". Quick version: one more important element: ==================================================== One more thing that can be in the build.xml file is elements. These are usually inside the element, in a list before the list of elements, at the same level,and are typically specified with self-closing tags. ... [... more targets here... ] There are lots of uses of properties, but for the quick version, I'll explain just two: Now "greeting" is a symbol for the string "Hi Mom!". You can dereference the symbol with ${greeting}, e.g. ${greeting} instead of Hi Mom! The line works the same, except that the "location" refers to a filename. By using "location" instead of "value", Ant does some extra stuff, like converting / to \ on Windows, and converting relative pathnames like the one above (note the . symbol) into absolute pathnames. You could use jarFileName in a jar task such as: There are many other uses of properties, which we'll save for later. It is probably best to discover these as and when you need them. Details: the bulld.xml file, projects and targets ================================================= Every build.xml file contains exactly one "project", which should be the top level single element in the XML file: . . . The declaration is "supposed to be there" since it tells the XML processor that this is an XML file. But Ant seems to be perfectly happy whether it is there or not. The "default" attribute is required on the element. The default element says which of several "targets" should be "built" if you just type > ant at the Unix (or Windows or Mac) command line without specifying a particular target. (For those familiar with the Unix Make utiltity: the value of the default attribute is analogous to the "first" target that appears in a Makefile, which is the one that is fired by default if you just type "make") Targets are specified inside the project element. Each target has a required attribute called "name". You can fire up a specific target by typing the name of the target on the ant command line: > ant foo or > and bar ... ... ... etc... More typical target names would be things like: ... ... ... ... ... etc... Details: Targets contain tasks ============================== @@@ continue here... Details: Other uses of properties ================================= @@@ continue here... You can define your own properties (see the "quick version" description of properties above. There are also at least two kinds of built-in properties. (1) You can access all the properties of the Java System.getProperties() method. For example: Hello {$}. I am compiling on a ${} system. The URL belows are two places that list these properties A few other useful ones (meaning is self-explanatory) java.class.path java.home java.version.number (2) There are properties specific to ANT: For example: the name attribute of the element. The name of this project is ${} There is a complete list at: