The following is a list of key concepts for CISC474. By the end of the course, you should be able to
I'm not saying you are required to be an expert in each of the following (though you _should_ be an expert in at least some of these by the end of the semester.
By the same token, "memorizing" a definition or "what the letters stand for" is not enough . You need to understand the concepts well enough to relate them to each other in a concept map or short answer essay question, and to identify how each item fits into the "big picture" of software development in general, and/or web development in particular.
This list will be updated periodically throughout the semester.
.NET ASP Agile Programming Ant Apache Browser Build tool Bytecodes C C# C++ CGI CLASSPATH CSS Cactus Caucho Client-Side Scripting Compiled Langauges Container DTD Dependency Injection Deployment Descriptor ECMAScript EJB Eclipse Enterprise Java Beans Extreme Programming Firefox HTML HTTP Hibernate IDE IP Integrated Development Environment Internet Explorer Interpreted Langauges JAR file JDK JRE JSP JUnit JVM Java Java Beans Java Development Kit Java Runtime Environment Java Server Pages Java Virtual Machine JavaScript Manifest Mozilla Netscape Opera PHP Perl Port number Programming Language Refactoring Relational Database Resin SQL Scripting Language Server-Side Scripting Servlet Socket Spring Structs TCP TDD Test-driven Development Tomcat UDP URI URL VBScript Web Server Wiki XDoclet XHTML XML XP XSLT log4j modperl mySql