
     Name:          James King
     Course Number: CISC 474, Spring 2006
     Assignment:    Optional Assignment: Farkle

Getting Ready

First, in order to be able to use Farkle or create programs using ASP.Net I used Visual Studio.NET. I went to MSDNAA, logged in, and downloaded Visual Studio.NET from there. As a UD student with an eecis account, this was free. After downloading the program, I ran the install and followed the instructions to install the components that were not on my computer that Visual Studio.NET needed. After making sure those components were installed an configured correctly, Visual Studio.NET could finish installing and I could create Farkle.


I've created a game called "Farkle" written as an ASP.Net Web application, coded in Visual Basic. The rules of the game, while simple, are very complicated to code. It involves being able to determine which dice have been chosen by the user on the current turn and then being able to tell if they are worth any points. After the dice are used, a player can't use them again unless they roll all the other dice without "farkling". The rules I used for creating the game can be found by following the link below.

I had used ASP.Net in a previous class and was excited to be able to explore it again while making this game. I find the fact that you can really see what you are creating, very helpful in the creation of a program. Visual Studio also give you some help by providing a list of functions and attributes that are associated with a given object while you are coding. I really did enjoy learning more about Visual Studio and ASP.Net. Creating this game was both frustrating and rewarding. There was a point where I realy thought it was unrealistic to complete it in the amount of time I had but I ended up finding it so interesting that the nights lasting until 6am where actually more enjoyable then tiresome. I hope you enjoy the game.

Rules For Farkle

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