ImageViewer Application

by Andrew Toy and Bill Meehan


Getting Started

1. Install IIS (Internet Information Services) on the local machine via Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Windows Components -> IIS.  The default selections are sufficient for testing a .NET application.  A Windows XP CD may be required.

2. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 (as available via the MSDNAA subscription provided to the University of Delaware).  This installation will set up .NET on the local machine along with Visual Studio and all the tools necessary to develop complex applications.

3. In order to test web applications for the local machine (http://localhost), IIS need to be started.  This is accomplished with the following command via the Windows Run Prompt:
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\ version \aspnet_regiis.exe" -i

The user can now create and edit a new ASP.NET web application within Visual Studio 2003 and test it on their host machine by pressing CTRL+F5.


What is ASP.NET

Asp .NET is part of Microsoft's web development software suite. It is a scripting language that uses HTML and Javascript on the front end and has code that is compiled on the server end that works behind the scenes much like java in JSPs. There are some advantages in using .NET such as the code has to only be compiled once on the server and then is saved to .DLL files so they can be accessed many times. .NET is a Microsoft product so it suffers from not being able to run on typical UNIX servers. ASP .NET uses other languages on the back bone to make the web apps work such as Visual basic, C#, PERL, and PYTHON.


Our project

In our project we made a picture slide show viewer. This web app allows you to browse through a directory of images and display them. There are navigation buttons that allow the user to move back and forth between images. The user may also select an image's index and hit the ‘go to' button to view the specified image. As a backbone we used C#.


Our files

WebForm1.aspx (the main page)
WebForm1.aspx.cs (the C# code-behind file)
/testimages (some sample images)