Optional Assignments

To earn the full 45% for this part of your grade, you need to earn 200 points, one way or another. Some of you have already earned some "points" of this type for various items we've been "calling" extra credit so far. (I'm working on getting those posted on WebCT, so that will be clear.)

I'm not inclined to allow folks to earn "more than 45% credit" by earning more than 200 points—if I allowed that, it might tend to encourage some folks to "blow off" their contribution to their group projects and try to make it up on their own.

Note that the points values shown are the "maximum points"—the grade you earn could be lower.

Some assignments below require you to send me a proposal by email, and require my "signoff", while others do not. All proposals are due by 5PM, Monday May 1st, and should be emailed to both pconrad@udel.edu, and oanat@udel.edu with subject line "CISC474 Proposal"

For the assignments where "group" work is an option, you can use your existing group, or form your own group with up to 4 students—any students you choose. The list of these students should be part of your proposal, and all those students should be cc'd on the email.

Assignment Title Group or Individual Brief Description Proposal Required Who's doing it Max Points Due Date
JavaScript Exercises Individual I give you examples of exercises for CISC103, a intro programming course in JavaScript. You write 3-6 additional exercises, covering topics not already covered. We work out what those topics will be.

No, but you must work out with me which topics you will cover

Additional information

  75-150 (25 points per exercise) Wed 5/10, 5pm
PHP-based Webapp individual or group You implement a webapp using PHP under Apache on Porsche. You should get approval in advance for what the topic is, and what the functionality of the web app will be. You describe the "story", and deliver code, along with a web site describing how someone could take your code and get the web app up and running. You also do a brief presentation on "getting started with PHP on porsche". yes Peter Park: student web journal 150 points

presentation 10:10am, 5/12

final code:
10am, 5/17

ASP.net based webapp individual or group You implement a webapp using ASP.net, on your own machine. You should get approval in advance for what the topic is, and what the functionality of the web app will be. You describe the "story", and deliver code, along with a web site describing how someone could take your code and get the web app up and running on their own Windows machine (including downloading and installing any necessary software). Use only tools that are either freely available to everyone from the Windows web site, or are available to UD students via a site license (see me for details on this.) You also do a brief presentation on "getting started with ASP.net" yes Brian Johnson (rewrite of http://www.metlists.com/, statistics on the band Metallica) 150 points presentation 10:10am, 5/12

final code:
10am, 5/17
Additional Java/JSP based webapp individual or group A web application based on Java/JSP of your own design. You should get approval in advance for what the topic is, and what the functionality of the web app will be. You describe the "story", and deliver a tar file containing your code, and a build.xml file that produces a WAR file that can be deployed on porsche, strauss, or a PC running Tomcat. Be sure that you include a global.properties file and a README that allows the web app to be compiled in any of those places, and instructions on configuring the app for things that might have to change, such as usernames, passwords, port numbers etc. for a MySQL database. Finally, if the app relies on a database, include a script that can be used to create and populate the necessary database tables (e.g. as an ant target, or as a bootstrapping procedure that runs when the webapp is first setup.) yes   100-200 points, depending on the complexity of what is proposed, and whether you present. presentation
(optional) 10:10am, 5/12

final code:
10am, 5/17
Final Exam individual You earn points for correct answers, you don't lose points for wrong answers. So, there is no risk. On the other hand, if you earn enough points in advance, you won't need to take the exam! No   100 points 10:30am-12:30, Mem 110,
Wed 5/24
Develop a course Wiki individual or group Develop a wiki for CISC474 materials. This wiki would replace the "topics" directory on the current course web site. There should be a way to differentiate between postings by the Instructor, Postings by students actually enrolled in the class, and postings by the general public. yes Stefan Natchev 200 points ready to present in class 5/12, 10:10am
Journaling individual Throughout the reading notes for the textbooks, there are various places where you are invited to post reponses, thoughts, feedback, comments, etc. on WebCT discussion boards. You can earn up to 100 points by doing this. The number of posts required to get up to 100 points will depend on the quality of your entries, including both the level of thought involved, as well as mechanics such as clarity, good use of grammar, spelling and punctuation, etc. no   100 points midnight, Sunday 5/14.
Collaboration Tools individual or group for 100 points: set up a CVS or SVN server on Porsche under /porsche/cisc474 (I'll give you write permission into a directory there), document how to use it, and give class a short presentation and/or for 100 points set up a bug tracking system such as bugzilla or equivalent on Porsche under either Apache or Tomcat. yes   200 points (100 pts each) ready to present in class 5/12, 10:10am


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