CISC474, Spring 2005, P01 (class participation item 1)
Assigned 2/10

Applying for an account on the ECL systems


If you don't already have an ECL account, apply for one. An ECL account is one that you can use to log into systems such as (the main server for ECL accounts), and/or (the system we'll use in this course.)

If you alredy have an account, you are done; you get a perfect score on this class participation item.

If not, apply by going to and apply for a new account.

Most of the form is self-explanatory. Here's the one part where you might need some hints. When it asks you if you have ECE/CIS accounts, say no unless you know that you already have one (i.e. you've filled out this form before.)

Picture of Filled in Form

Due date for this item is 10am Monday 2/14.