CISC474 H03c: Getting started with MySQL:
Instructions for submitting your work

Final steps for credit:

Be sure to add comments

The java files in the book have some comments in the margins in a kind of "hand written font". However they don't have actual Java-style comments such as:
   // Instantiate a BeerExpert object, and iterate through all of
   // the beers that match the color selected by the user.  For each
   // one, generate some HTML and write it to the output file.
Add a reasonable number of such comments to the .java files for your clone application so that it is clear to your instructor and your TA that you know what the code is doing.

DO NOT just transcribe the "handwritten" comments in the textbook verbatim. Read those comments the first time you go through the code, but as you make the "clone" application, try to avoid reading them; instead, write comments in your own words based on your understanding of what the code is doing. (You can use those "handwritten" comments as a general guide for how much commenting is needed, and at what level of detail.)

In addition to these comments, be sure to have a comment at the top of each file similar to the following one that I wrote when testing out the assignment:

// "Head First Servlets and JSP", 1st Edition, p. 82, O'Reilly (2004).
// Transcribed by Phillip T. Conrad for CISC474, 02/25/2005 
// "Model" part of a beer advisory system based on the
// Model-View-Controller design pattern.
Note that this comment contains:
  1. filename
  2. source of the code (in this case, name of book, page number)
  3. programmer name
  4. date
  5. brief description of the purpose of the code
Every source code file you ever write should contain these items (at a minimum) at the very top. This is a strict rule for me, and one that I try to model and live by, in addition to teaching it to other programmers.

The same rules goes equally for you .java and for your .xml, .html and .jsp files; put similar comments at or near the top of all the files in your projects.

Submitting your work To submit your work, you'll need to do five things:

  1. Deploy your application on your resin server on Jaguar so that it is publicly available.
  2. Write a paragraph or two about your experience with the assignment in a plain text file called README.txt, and place this in your top-level development directory for the project. Include your full name.

    Here are some sample prompts to help you with writer's block: You may use these prompts verbatim if they are helpful, but don't be constrained by them. I always prefer to read sentences in your own words. Your paragraph(s) don't have to address each of those points---just the ones that apply to your experience.
  3. If you wish, change your MySQL password to xxxx before doing the next step (creating a gzipped tar file).
  4. Create a gzipped tar file of your entire development directory, including your README.txt file. Upload and submit this under the "H03" assignment on WebCT.
  5. Print out your README.txt, .java, .html, and .jsp source files, as well as printouts of a sample web session demonstrating your application. Put the README.txt file on top as a cover sheet, staple everything together, and bring this to class to turn in on Tuesday April 12.

Put a link to your H03 "entry page" on your copland/strauss cisc474 web page.

That is, if your strauss username is foobar, put a link on your page called "H03 page" that goes directly to your or whatever.. the first page that a user should access in your application. This is worth 10 points of your grade for this homework assignment.

Outline of Grading Rubric (more specific items may be added later)

Item points
Correctness (does the code work)
[If your Resin server is not up, you will lose all of these points. You may earn back some of them if you get your Resin server up later].
Java and JSP coding style (comments, efficiency, etc.) 10
Comments in code 10
Following MVC design pattern 20
README.txt file explanation 10
Following instructions (10 points of this is for the link on your copland/strauss cisc474 page back to your H03 start page.) 20
Total 100